Has Tevez lost a step?

VinniesLad said:
Colins Bellend said:
Do any of you guys think J-ROD has gained a step

He was certainly on a mission last night. He was flying into a lot of challenges , I'm not sure whether to prove something to himself or Bobby (in terms of his fitness) but he looked very sharp last night. Maybe trying to play himself into Cup Final contention ? He sures adds some pace over 5 yards that is lacking with Barry , Milner and Garcia. I think a lack of pace in centre midfield was our chief undoing in the Champions League this season and on that basis I think Rodwell will be a hugely important player for us.

I wasn't there last night, and its hard to make out the Rodwell stuff on the internet feeds - if this is true, that's great news. I hope he stays fit, fulfils his potential and becomes the great asset we hoped for.
As to the Tevez stuff, I disagree with the OP. He hasn't quite had the goals return we'd want, but nor have any of the other forwards. He's never had great pace. Can't fault him though for effort, and I agree with Nijinsky.
the blue panther said:
VinniesLad said:
Colins Bellend said:
Do any of you guys think J-ROD has gained a step

He was certainly on a mission last night. He was flying into a lot of challenges , I'm not sure whether to prove something to himself or Bobby (in terms of his fitness) but he looked very sharp last night. Maybe trying to play himself into Cup Final contention ? He sures adds some pace over 5 yards that is lacking with Barry , Milner and Garcia. I think a lack of pace in centre midfield was our chief undoing in the Champions League this season and on that basis I think Rodwell will be a hugely important player for us.

I wasn't there last night, and its hard to make out the Rodwell stuff on the internet feeds - if this is true, that's great news. I hope he stays fit, fulfils his potential and becomes the great asset we hoped for.
As to the Tevez stuff, I disagree with the OP. He hasn't quite had the goals return we'd want, but nor have any of the other forwards. He's never had great pace. Can't fault him though for effort, and I agree with Nijinsky.

I also agree with Nijinsky , I just don't think it's a ridiculous question to ask.
I hope we get Tevez signed up for another three years because on last nights performance he still has the hunger !
As to Ninjinsky or whatever your name is. I haven't lived in Manchester for around 6 years now. My wife(who is born and raised there) and I were forced to leave because I didn't have enough money to legally stay in the country any longer. I'd also add that I don't watch via streams, thankfully every game is available on television in America.

Is it acceptable to you now that I post about our club? Do I get some bonafides now?

I'm always struck by the segment of our fan base that is unable to accept any comment that isn't 100% glowingly positive at every moment about everyone of our players and every little thing the club does. That's how sheep behave, not thinking adults. Thinking adults are able to have a conversation knowing that no harm is meant, debate is healthy, and that we all love the club.

I'm frankly still at a loss as to how this is a negative thread. Asking if a man has lost a step or half a step on his pace isn't' a big deal. Nowhere in the OP did you see anyone say we should get rid(though if you had asked me at a certain point last year I would have loved to have seen him tarred and feathered). The bunker mentality is unnecessary.

Anyway that's all I have to say about this thread. Thanks for the good replies by some of you, you've changed how I look at Tevez and his game!
According to Sky sport Italia, Tevez is more likely to sign for Juve. La Gazzeta dello sport also mentioned it.
"Higuain, Jovetic and that's not all. Juventus won't be happy with just Fernando Llorente, who they signed in January on a free transfer and will join the club in July, nor are they going to settle for two of the greatest experts in front of goal. Their latest big target could be Carlitos Tevez, Manchester City's versatile forward.

CONTACTS — According to Sky the Bianconeri directors are following the Apache closely as he is not expected to renew his contract with the Citizens. Apparently CEO Beppe Marotta is already testing the ground to see whether the Argentine player would be interested in making a move to Juventus."
I think Tevez has still got it in him to be a 30 goal a season man. He gives so much effort every week but he doesn't get his reward through that effort that he gives.
Tevez is a quality hard working player. However, i feel like he always fails in those 1on1's against the goal keeper, when he is free of all defenders. Looks like the nerves gets to him unfortunetly. However If he had that, id rate him much higher, but it only seems like he scores from shots outside of the box or tap ins. Just my opinion.
But for Robles bootlaces he would of won us the cup, don't think he's had a great season, he looked sharp for the first few games and then his form dipped, seems to have been plaing better in the last few games. Think everyone seems to have forgiven him for the bayern game (he may not respect the club, Mancini or the fans but when he crosses the white line he gives everything to win and I respect that)

As for pace, I wasn't aware he had any to loose.

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