Has Thatcher died?

pominoz said:
law74 said:
And many of these once proud men and women that were thrown on the economic scrapheap never workes again, and in too many cases their offspring have never had the chance to obtain gainful full time employment because this witch ripped the heart out of communities in every part of the knigdom that wasnt a tory area.

The thing is though, "little lord fauntleroy", and his mates can not see that they are now reaping what the old cow sowed.
A whole generation brought up with no work,no hope and no respect.
What did they exspect?
Kick a dog enough times,it will bite you,and Thatcher and her henchmen saw us as their dogs.

Boo fooking hoo. I and PROUD MEN in my family would never allow myself to 'be on the scrapheap' or expect ANYONE to owe me a living. Always work there for those who want is, so save you emotive ramblings for someone that buys into all that crap.

Don't blame a leader of a country for the shit attitude and work ethic of its people.
pominoz said:
"Some people got hurt"?

She ripped the guts out of millions of peoples lives,mainly in the North.
People who worked in out-of-date, inefficient industries, producing stuff that people didn't want to buy, propped up by millions upon millions of taxpayers (i.e. my) money and being undercut by foreign competitors.

Do you seriously believe these industries wouldn't have died anyway? Because if you don't, you're completely deluded.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Boo fooking hoo. I and PROUD MEN in my family would never allow myself to 'be on the scrapheap' or expect ANYONE to owe me a living. Always work there for those who want is, so save you emotive ramblings for someone that buys into all that crap.

Don't blame a leader of a country for the shit attitude and work ethic of its people.

Call into any jobcentre in the country or look at the situations vacant in any paper and compare the amount of available jobs to the amount 5 or 10 years ago, there isnt the amount of jobs available and the situation is about to get a whole lot worse when Dave's big society culls another million jobs.
I have never been out of work, but have been working in the employment sector for the last 11 years bar 17 months, and the situation has never been as bad as at present.
I just hope for your sake that you dont have to sign on in the near future cause you would get a very rude awakening to the real world.
law74 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Boo fooking hoo. I and PROUD MEN in my family would never allow myself to 'be on the scrapheap' or expect ANYONE to owe me a living. Always work there for those who want is, so save you emotive ramblings for someone that buys into all that crap.

Don't blame a leader of a country for the shit attitude and work ethic of its people.

Call into any jobcentre in the country or look at the situations vacant in any paper and compare the amount of available jobs to the amount 5 or 10 years ago, there isnt the amount of jobs available and the situation is about to get a whole lot worse when Dave's big society culls another million jobs.
I have never been out of work, but have been working in the employment sector for the last 11 years bar 17 months, and the situation has never been as bad as at present.
I just hope for your sake that you dont have to sign on in the near future cause you would get a very rude awakening to the real world.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.totaljobs.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.totaljobs.com/</a>

Have a look in the top right hand corner -currently 85'446 live jobs.....

go figure.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
law74 said:
Call into any jobcentre in the country or look at the situations vacant in any paper and compare the amount of available jobs to the amount 5 or 10 years ago, there isnt the amount of jobs available and the situation is about to get a whole lot worse when Dave's big society culls another million jobs.
I have never been out of work, but have been working in the employment sector for the last 11 years bar 17 months, and the situation has never been as bad as at present.
I just hope for your sake that you dont have to sign on in the near future cause you would get a very rude awakening to the real world.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.totaljobs.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.totaljobs.com/</a>

Have a look in the top right hand corner -currently 85'446 live jobs.....

go figure.

& how many million on benefits?
& thats before Dave send the P45 to another million members of his BIG SOCIETY
law74 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.totaljobs.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.totaljobs.com/</a>

Have a look in the top right hand corner -currently 85'446 live jobs.....

go figure.

& how many million on benefits?
& thats before Dave send the P45 to another million members of his BIG SOCIETY

There is no chance unemployment will rise by that figure.
Cheesy said:
law74 said:
& how many million on benefits?
& thats before Dave send the P45 to another million members of his BIG SOCIETY

There is no chance unemployment will rise by that figure.

I hope you are right but cant see any other outcome unless Gideon makes another u-turn.
490,000 public sector jobs being lost will mean another 490,000 in the private sector, cleaners, cooks, security staff, maintenence staff etc etc, and less being spent on the high street, fewer people eating out, going for nights out etc.
Then there is the cut in the capital spend meaning that the construction sector, already on its knees will be almost wiped out.
The idea that the private sector is sitting ready and able to take up the shortfall is unfounded and unless the tories just give away large parts of the public sector (like the post office) to their already rich friends unemployment will rocket leaving m,any mamy lives in ruins and the suicide rate will go up in proportion, all the fault of dave and his banker mates.
Lucky Toma said:
Yeah mate, the more the merrier :)

I'm going to make a 'milk monitor' badge to allude to the calcium the horrid woman deprived me of when she was Education Minister.

For those who are disgusted at the thought of celebrating a person's death I just want to say that I'm a nice guy who wouldnt hurt a fly....which is precisely why I will be dancing, drinking and generally whooping with pure joy when that pure evil despot perishes.

Other, supposedly less-developed, countries know how to deal with their dictators.
They hang them from lampposts or trees.
If she gets a state funeral I will not regard myself as a citizen of this country during such a shameful episode therefore, by default, I would be beyond its laws.
can i join it too mate
Cheesy said:
law74 said:
& how many million on benefits?
& thats before Dave send the P45 to another million members of his BIG SOCIETY

There is no chance unemployment will rise by that figure.

It's accepted by pretty much everyone that the loss of a public sector job leads to 0.75-1 private sector job loss. So it probably won't quite reach a million no but 800k plus into an already crowded job market.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.totaljobs.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.totaljobs.com/</a>

Have a look in the top right hand corner -currently 85'446 live jobs.....

go figure.

You really haven't got a clue, have you?

The jobs that are being advertised are either part time hours that suit only a few, or very specific on the skills that they want.

I wish you could spend just ONE day listening to the people that I deal with. People that have worked for all their lives (and probably 20 years or more older than you) and REALLY see the barriers they face.

Everything you spout on here is so one or two dimensional it is untrue. It is OK having different opinions but you really do not know what you are talking about when you make off the cuff remarks about stuff you either have no real experience of or are so grounded in your beliefs as to be completely blinkered.

I sometimes deal with people that have been used to earning 80K a year. They probably used to think like you too.

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