Has Thatcher died?

Televators said:
Selfish, self-centred, indoctrinated morons.

I wish each and every one of you bastards who would celebrate the death of a politician's (or ex's) death the very worst... the most painful... the absolute worst of the worst deaths.

You're evil and sick.

I remember Ric saying to me in a pm once about his wild ramblings in the Times "I've sold out, but I have a family to feed now".

Socialism only seems to suit people up to a point...

Don't get all holier than thou, then wish painful death on people. It defeats your own argument.
For what it's worth, I'll be drinking to the miners and every family that lost everything because of the vile woman the day she dies.
PistonBlue said:
Televators said:
Selfish, self-centred, indoctrinated morons.

I wish each and every one of you bastards who would celebrate the death of a politician's (or ex's) death the very worst... the most painful... the absolute worst of the worst deaths.

You're evil and sick.

I remember Ric saying to me in a pm once about his wild ramblings in the Times "I've sold out, but I have a family to feed now".

Socialism only seems to suit people up to a point...

Don't get all holier than thou, then wish painful death on people. It defeats your own argument.
For what it's worth, I'll be drinking to the miners and every family that lost everything because of the vile woman the day she dies.
Jesus wept - what a great time for my wireless to go down and wipe out my reply to this.

Anyway, obviously the irony is lost on you. Not a surprise really eh Mr Thicko.

Here's hoping you have a nice, slow, painful death.

Maybe your closest family will have to sit and watch. Even better. can you scream and wail a little too?

Wishing anyone dead is sick. Anyone who does should really, really reap what they sow.

1) Well it's not bullshit- it's 100% true but if you choose not to believe it cos your mummy and daddy 'always voted labour' then thats your choice.

2) Australia is a vile country and I have no desire to live their EVER. If I do ever leave here it will be to Boston or LA. I love this country and people who leave do so out of fear and a 'grass is greener' attitude. I am very unlikely to leave, I have faith that this government are going to stick it to the lazy, the criminals and the illegals which will make a vast improvement to those of us who want to get on.

3) Well if you want to celebrate ANYONES death then just be aware that Karmas a woman.[/quote]

1) Both of my parents voted Conservative,my Father still does.

2) How long did you live in Australia to form the view that it is a vile country?

3) I have celebrated a few peoples deaths and will continue to do so.
I have no time for evil people.

You come across as the product of a privileged upbringing,a snearing little tory Mummys boy,looking down at anyone who is not a well to do English WASP.
I would suggest you get out and about in the world,and grow up

Ps,please feel free to put me on your foe list or into one of your growing number of files.
Have a G'day,mate.
Televators said:
PistonBlue said:
Don't get all holier than thou, then wish painful death on people. It defeats your own argument.
For what it's worth, I'll be drinking to the miners and every family that lost everything because of the vile woman the day she dies.
Jesus wept - what a great time for my wireless to go down and wipe out my reply to this.

Anyway, obviously the irony is lost on you. Not a surprise really eh Mr Thicko.

Here's hoping you have a nice, slow, painful death.

Maybe your closest family will have to sit and watch. Even better. can you scream and wail a little too?

Wishing anyone dead is sick. Anyone who does should really, really reap what they sow.

"Wishing anyone dead is sick. Anyone who does should really, really reap what they sow."

No, the irony of your stupid, stupid comments really isn't lost on me.

"Maybe your closest family will have to sit and watch. Even better. can you scream and wail a little too?"

You sound as evil as the woman Thatcher. Fuck you.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
stonerblue said:
Just a couple of points before i go for a pint or two.

Didn't you tell me last week that the country was gonna 'disintegrate' anytime soon?

And as for 'celebrating death' and 'karma' i have one word, BELGRANO.

Sorry don't have time to drink in the day time and answer more moot points IM WORKING....

If you call pissing about on Bluemoon 'working' then your job is nearly as good as mine.
Also like the way you dodge my points by saying they're 'moot'. Very clever.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Well thats fine precident has been set. But please don't bash me when I sing about Duncan Edwards head.

Is that the Duncan Edwards who died tragically in a plane crash in his prime? Margaret Thatcher is hated for millions for what she did to this country, i can understand people not being concerned if she dies, sinding about Munich is the height of scumminess.
Henry Chinaski said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Well thats fine precident has been set. But please don't bash me when I sing about Duncan Edwards head.

Is that the Duncan Edwards who died tragically in a plane crash in his prime? Margaret Thatcher is hated for millions for what she did to this country, i can understand people not being concerned if she dies, sinding about Munich is the height of scumminess.

Nope, its margaret Thatcher who was also loved by millions my friend.....singing and celebrating peoples death is indeed the height of scumminess, the difference between you and I is that I use that rule across the board.
good old maggie, this country was on its knees when she took over...labour even borrowed money off the IMF to spend and its the same spending that has got us fucked up this time

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