Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

You think Bridgen is left wing?


Or maybe you've confused me now. I hope so anyway.
He was being ironic I think.

He brought up Bridgen as a direct comparison to Lineker. This was the MP who directly equated the Holocaust with Covid vaccines. He must be a long way down the rabbit hole to think that is in any way equivalent to Lineker’s tweet.
He was being ironic I think.

He brought up Bridgen as a direct comparison to Lineker. This was the MP who made directly equated the Holocaust with Covid vaccines. He must be a long way down the rabbit hole to think that is in any way equivalent to Lineker’s tweet.

Yeah I wasn't sure, I think I've lost the plot slightly watching someone jump through so many hoops to make the government seem fair and turn Lineker into Darth Vader.
@Chris B

(and anyone arguing with him).

There is no reasoning with people sometimes.

Every German and European was negatively impacted by the eventual outcome of the NSDP's rise to power.

My parents were. And they are citizens in a democracy. A free country, as my father said.

By 1936, the involuntary killing of the frail, the feeble, the sick, the "mentally ill" & deviants, was an accepted practise in Germany. I'm not sure, but I think travellers were also murdered the same way, around that time. The Einsatzgruppen B murdered them by carbon monoxide poisoning in the back of specially adapted vans, the exhaust from the engine piped into sealed rear section. You can trace organisational units, people, practises, from that, through to the use of Zyklon B in 'the showers'.

I'm not going to worry about when the concentration camps came along, but they were rounding up and holding political enemies.

Anyone who remembers seconday school was taught how we can trace the abnormal and inhuman treatment of Jewish people as a series of incremental changes, from demagoguery appealing to existing prejudice, through scapegoating, through dehumanisation, to the loss of equal legal status, loss of legal protection, forced identification, denial of property rights, denial of freedom of movement, being rounded up, them being displaced, them being used as slaves, finally as the target of industrialised mass murder.

You can't possibly tell me, we have to avoid talking about what happened at the start. That the electorate and fourth estate have to avoid questioning if there are comparisons to what happened in the early stages.

No. Of course, we have to ask ourselves those sorts of questions. That is what the survivors of WW2 begged us. Perhaps some now 'close' to the issue consider it distasteful. I think they are not as close as the people I heard from. They are over comfortable and have forgotten themselves.

History is there for us to study and learn from. To cite. To question. To provoke thought and reflection. Any attempt to stop that process is in direct opposition to the rightful norms of our democratic society.

So... I mean. You're not buying that. God help you.

Consider this tho. I have a health condition. I have a mental health diagnosis. I'm cantankerous and nearly always find myself almost like a dissident with regards to government communications and policy. My mother died at the height of COVID, in a care home, with a DNR notice.

Remember what I said about 1936. How can this not be something I would feel mattered to ME.

This is a democracy and a free country. You do not get to decide what matters to people.

BTW, any actual source for the Sharp Resignation. Gina Miller's tweet aside... and that smells like a dummy to sooth the debate.
And you have been wrong every one of the 1000+ times you have said it, and in so doing trivialised the holocaust for political whataboutery. And your twisting and reaching to justify an anti-immigration stance has been quite disgraceful.

But as you say, people are allowed to be wrong and disgraceful, as is the government. And peoplenare allowed to point it out. Apart from Gary Lineker of course.
I’m not anti immigration, quite happy to see a decent positive net inflow tick along. Not sure what that has to do with Lineker’s casual antisemitism.
@Chris B

(and anyone arguing with him).

There is no reasoning with people sometimes.

Every German and European was negatively impacted by the eventual outcome of the NSDP's rise to power.

My parents were. And they are citizens in a democracy. A free country, as my father said.

By 1936, the involuntary killing of the frail, the feeble, the sick, the "mentally ill" & deviants, was an accepted practise in Germany. I'm not sure, but I think travellers were also murdered the same way, around that time. The Einsatzgruppen B murdered them by carbon monoxide poisoning in the back of specially adapted vans, the exhaust from the engine piped into sealed rear section. You can trace organisational units, people, practises, from that, through to the use of Zyklon B in 'the showers'.

I'm not going to worry about when the concentration camps came along, but they were rounding up and holding political enemies.

Anyone who remembers seconday school was taught how we can trace the abnormal and inhuman treatment of Jewish people as a series of incremental changes, from demagoguery appealing to existing prejudice, through scapegoating, through dehumanisation, to the loss of equal legal status, loss of legal protection, forced identification, denial of property rights, denial of freedom of movement, being rounded up, them being displaced, them being used as slaves, finally as the target of industrialised mass murder.

You can't possibly tell me, we have to avoid talking about what happened at the start. That the electorate and fourth estate have to avoid questioning if there are comparisons to what happened in the early stages.

No. Of course, we have to ask ourselves those sorts of questions. That is what the survivors of WW2 begged us. Perhaps some now 'close' to the issue consider it distasteful. I think they are not as close as the people I heard from. They are over comfortable and have forgotten themselves.

History is there for us to study and learn from. To cite. To question. To provoke thought and reflection. Any attempt to stop that process is in direct opposition to the rightful norms of our democratic society.

So... I mean. You're not buying that. God help you.

Consider this tho. I have a health condition. I have a mental health diagnosis. I'm cantankerous and nearly always find myself almost like a dissident with regards to government communications and policy. My mother died at the height of COVID, in a care home, with a DNR notice.

Remember what I said about 1936. How can this not be something I would feel mattered to ME.

This is a democracy and a free country. You do not get to decide what matters to people.

BTW, any actual source for the Sharp Resignation. Gina Miller's tweet aside... and that smells like a dummy to sooth the debate.

Thank you for taking the time to write this.
He was being ironic I think.

He brought up Bridgen as a direct comparison to Lineker. This was the MP who directly equated the Holocaust with Covid vaccines. He must be a long way down the rabbit hole to think that is in any way equivalent to Lineker’s tweet.

Perhaps he has been ironic this whole time. Meta-satire and all that.
I’m not anti immigration, quite happy to see a decent positive net inflow tick along. Not sure what that has to do with Lineker’s casual antisemitism.
I presume you must be Jewish to have the lived experience to judge whether Lineker was being casually antisemitic.
That’s how it works isn’t it?
Maybe Lineker should just say: " To clarify - I disagree with the immigration policy and I think that in a free society I have a right to express that view. To clarify, I did not intend to equate the current government to the the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews and caused the total deaths of about 70 million people during WW2 as some people are suggesting, and I regret any misunderstanding and offence caused. What I meant was there are similarities between xxxx said by the current government in the latest policy and yyyy said by zzzz in the 1930s, and I didn't like it."

And get back to presenting football, which he is very good at.

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