Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

You can of course, but if you were to say that by arguing with you I’m acting like Hitler I think I would be entitled to say that was offensive to both myself and the victims of the holocaust (including your own family). Do you think it is something that should be invoked lightly? I don’t and I believe to do so is offensive.
I think you’re acting like Nigel Farage tbh.
The PM announced he’s giving France half a billion pounds to build a detention centre.

Does sound like round them up into camps.
They’re people seeking asylum, they are literally asking to be put into camps!
I do, of course. I’m also aware that the system is also open to abuse. We are an island with the nearest nation at war or suffering from natural disaster being Ukraine a thousand miles away. It’s not surprising we don’t have many channels for asylum seekers or refugees to come here. It’s worth noting many humanitarian migrants come here outside of the asylum system, for example those from Hong Kong who qualified for a British passport.

Ukrainians in Poland have channels available to apply for asylum, although not all claims will be granted, and most will prefer to stay as close to their homeland as possible. There’s no legal requirement for us to provide asylum and transit to Syrians living in France. Why would there be? France is perfectly safe.
Yes there is a legal requirement to hear asylum applications however they got here, we even helped write those requirements, and why do you expect others to give shelter to refugees but we only pick and choose the ones we want
I don’t think I’ve ever stood by the government. They’re not really involved in this, Lineker’s comments just happened to be about them. Lineker is perfectly within his rights to criticise them, subject to his agreements with the BBC. I just think people shouldn’t invoke the evils of nazism lightly, which is what Lineker did in my opinion. Trivialising the holocaust is antisemitic. Lineker should probably find better comparisons in future.

Millions died in the holocaust due to direct murder by the state. If you seriously think the current government actions around immigration are similar to that, or look like they’re leading to that, then you lack a sense of proportion.

Lineker didn't trivialise the holocaust.

He, quite correctly compared the laguage used by this government to that used in 1930's Germany just as the holocaust survivor who confronted Braverman did.

Your posts are a fucking disgrace.
just think, the fa cup game v burnley next week live on the BBC, Buzzer presenting the show along with Goater and Andy Morrison in the studio with Cheesey as the commentator, bring it on!
Yes there is a legal requirement to hear asylum applications however they got here, we even helped write those requirements, and why do you expect others to give shelter to refugees but we only pick and choose the ones we want
Yes, but we’re not required to hear them in France are we? The legality of new act will doubtless be well tested in court. As you suggest I expect it will be found illegal, as I’ve said previously.
Lineker didn't trivialise the holocaust.

He, quite correctly compared the laguage used by this government to that used in 1930's Germany just as the holocaust survivor who confronted Braverman did.

Your posts are a fucking disgrace.
Nope, there’s little comparison to be made and by invoking it Lineker has been offensive. The UK government in 2023 is not Nazi Germany. Most of the great offices of state are held by ethnic minorities. I don’t say that Lineker’s comment necessitates any action, people are allowed to be mildly offensive now and then, but it is mildly offensive to compare the home sec to Nazis. Probably offensive to her, but more importantly offensive to the victims of the holocaust. I feel I’ve made this point now, I suspect it’s made all the traction is going to so I’ll leave it there.

There’s nothing disgraceful in the point I’ve made. I’ve engaged constructively to explain my position. If anyone is a disgrace then frankly it is you.

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