Has Yaya lost interest?

mancboy said:
Lancet Fluke said:
I doubt he has lost interest but there's something not quite right with him at the moment imo. Not just the switching off at set pieces but he is making those driving runs so rarely at the moment. He dragged us through quite a few of the matches in the run in last season but he just looks strangely subdued this season. Then again, that could be aimed at several players.

I think thats why most people are thinking he is off because we havent seen any of those barnstorming runs where he just tears past people. But the reason we havent seen them is because home away teams have 8 or 9 men behind the ball at all times and its difficult start that run and get motoring when the midfield and defence is so congested.

I accept that but there have been a few times this season when it has opened up a bit for him and the Yaya run has looked on and he has stopped and rolled the ball sideways instead. I've ended up thinking he doesn't quite look fully fit during a couple of games this season.
his second half against spurs was the best he's played for a while, maicon gave him an outlet for his passes and he used it

the muted post game celebrations against qpr was probably because he was injured and didnt feel he contributed in that amazing finale - its weird how different things feel from the sidelines as a player
1. If you watch the tunnel cam from last season's QPR game he strolls out of the tunnel after Aguero's winner looking pretty disinterested.
Really? Think that might have had something to do with the hamstring he pulled in the build up to the first goal?? Very lazy thread this, something i would expect from the daily mirrors finest!!! Heres an idea, instead of dreaming up ridiculous 'problems' within the team, get behind the team who are 2 points off the top of the league having not played anywhere near their best!!!
can see where your coming from but he's just pledged his future to us .
he is just one of those players who kooks lethargic even when hes playing well , im hoping its just a bit of a dip in form .

This is a pure speculation on my part, but perhaps, he wants a contract extension, but the club so far is not keen.
He/his agent may have tried to find a club that might be interested in him, but so far they have failed to find one, perhaps. They may be trying to find a club not because he wants to move out, but because he and the agent want to use the info to negotiate with the club for his contract extension. So far they haven't had any satisfactory outcomes. That's why, he looks unhappy. (?)

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