Have the latest charges made you more or less passionate about City?

I don’t think it’s unfair to say I’m a pretty strident, self-confident and upbeat individual. Don’t think there are many people who know me will disagree with any of that.

But Monday’s news, delivered as it was via a Whatapp message received while waiting for a train, filled me with a combination of dread, weariness and a little fear. Not so much that this amazing part of our journey will end, because I know it will at some point, but more that the last 15 years would become reduced in some way.

That (mild) fear is a feeling I’m familiar with at work when things take a turn for the worst in certain situations. Whenever that happens I get quite internally-despondent for a very short period. Sometimes seconds, sometimes hours, sometimes days; but I eventually apply logic and experience to the problem and quickly get a sense of perspective - and then think about how I’m going to win.

Went through the same process this week with City. Deflated and enervated at the beginning; defiant and determined to prevail at the end.

It’s a perfectly natural to go through a range of emotions when you have to process something like this.

So in answer to the OP, as at the time of this post, as much as ever!
Not more passionate about City - it's unconditional love anyway.

But, more passionate about winning this title and being able to clear our name

Special mention to Pep's passion though in the press conference the other day
More passionate about the club, less passionate about the league we’re competing in, more disillusioned with the state of the game, more thirsty for red-top blood!!!
Not more passionate about city, that’ll always be there

Just more passionate about sticking to everyone against us

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