Have you seen some of the comments from neutrals!?

Dzeko's Right Boot said:
Everyone loved it!!.... apart from Spurs and Arsenal fans. Now THEY are the most bitter fans in football, fuck me.

Hi Fellow Blue, sorry but just had to mention this when I read your comments, The first congratulation sent by email to me @ work last Monday, even though I didn't make it in until Tuesday for obvious reasons, was from a GOONER (London based) who I have only had contact with via the telephone! Also I was congretulated by once again another GOONER when I paid a visit into Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. I am not giving any comment on the SPUDS! No offence intended, just pointing out that NOT ALL fans all classed as the same! CTID
Marvin said:
Most football fans don't like the idea that we bought the trophy, but that's how you get success. That's not fair on City, or us fans, it's a comment on the way football works.

The team we put out against QPR cost the same as Utd's at Sunderland. Previous winners were Chelsea.

I prefered football when Forest got promoted and won the league in their first season back in the 1st Division but now the premiership is like 3 leagues, and it's impossible to break into the top 4 without a serious amount of money. Maybe Spurs are an exception because they have been up there on the fringes of the top 4 gradually adding to their squad, but if they had one bad season and ended up being relegated they'd be shot to pieces and all that good work would have been undone.

City are getting good pr at the moment because the win was heroic in a way, and everyone could see in the crowd the emotion of the fans and what it meant to us. What we do next season is down to us and our own hunger. What neutrals think is nice (or not) to hear, but what we do on the pitch is 100% down to us and the fans, and of course the refs. We'll still be fighting the odds next season as well (although Ashley Young's card has been marked for good I think)

One of the great myths.

Forest did it with a bunch of second-raters?

No chance. Cloughie was the biggest spender in those days.

You need to do a bit of research mate.
A couple more comments from youtube:

on this day, for myself and all who were neutral at the start, I can say we were all Man City fans for this moment. What a glorious day for football. How can anyone (who isn't a Utd. supporter of course) watch this video or what happened, from wherever they were in the world, and NOT like this. For a moment I felt the jubilation of those City supporters after all those years waiting. Gotta love this beautiful game.

This brought me to tears and I don't even support city. I'm a Nottingham Forest Fan through and through. My lord did City deserve this. The real Manchester supporters, always have been and always will. Greatest end to a Premiership title of all time. The emotion in this video was epic, it truly was. The man at the end of the video, bless him, boy does he deserve it. The future is blue...
Here are some messages I got from other fans...

Reading: Incredible! It must be mental there. Have a few Stella's for me mate. Congratulations xxx

Arsenal: Well done Roj. When the board came up with 5 to go I said to my mate I'm sitting next to that I'd fancy you to do it. Honest!

Newcastle: Mate it was awesome! Do to man u what they do to others! Was listening on radio and was going ballistic when scored winner. Must have been ace to be there.

Rag: Fair enough winning it like that. Not as if we deserved it. Enjoy. Was good to see the old city turn up for half an hour though, I miss them!

Rag: Stuffy bastards!!!

Rag: Mancini time saves the day

Rag: qpr got paid off

Stoke: Congratulations matey. Go and get pissed now x

Liverpool: Get in fuck off fergie you red nosed prick!!!!
Best moments knowing that the rags are universally hated. I would give up ever winning prem trophy again if it was guaranteed they would never ever get it.
jimharri said:
SourceOfTheTrent said:
Hi, Vale fan here again!

I've attempted to post an image you might like to see. It was taken a while after the final whistle at last year's FA Cup Final and is a view of City fans from the very top of the Stoke end. Probably a view none of you got, unless any of you were in the 'wrong' end!

Same here. I was in the Club Wembley seats in the Stoke end;


Would have loved to have been down the other end, but beggars can't be choosers!
Me too jim. Is wasn't you crying at the end that I gave a big hug to was it?
LFCisme said:
I have never cheered a goal for a team I don't support as hard as I have when Aguero scored.

As a Liverpool fan, I know I have it a lot better than fans of other clubs. The 2005 Champions League final for example.

But we are now halfway to being in a 44-year title drought like you guys were. And realistically, there is no near end to that in sight.

Having to get up at 2am, 3am every weekend for 9 months is not always fun.

My wife doesn't understand why I would go through it, when she sees how miserable (particularly the last few years) it can make me.

One kick of the ball from Aguero reminded me why.

Sometimes you lose sight if why you do go through it - the highs, the lows - is it all worth it?

Seeing how happy so many people were when he scored that goal - that's the dream. It's what I desperately hope will return to LFC soon because everything fans go through is in the hope of just experiencing that pure moment of unbridled joy where all the shit, all the early mornings, the bad moods, the relentless crap you get off your mates can be forgotten.

I hope you City fans enjoy this moment for a long time.

People bag you out and say you're all bandwagoners and ex-Chelsea fans (I'm sure some are, but I'm sure the vast majority were born as City fans) but really, all clubs probably have them (United after 99, Chelsea from 2005, us after the Champions League win).

They also bag you out about buying the title when in reality, none of them would give a shit if some billionaire came to their club and did the same thing.

The fact all this happened to prevent United, the lovechild of Al-Qaeda and Hitler, win the title in the dying stages, Fergie's face etc - it couldn't have been more enjoyable to watch as a neutral.

I'm sure the whole of the non-Scum football world was riding the emotions with you.

Enjoy it for all it's worth.

The 2005 CL final is the non City game I always tell people I got the most worked up about. Not only did I celebrate the equaliser fully I even felt nerves after the goal. Proper nerves because, for me, something was at stake that night. As you say, these are the moments that reaffirm why we go through all this pain. Simply because these moments take us to places where no other experience can.

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