Have you seen some of the comments from neutrals!?

I think the past 3 years when we've been getting it in the neck from all angles, we've tried to convince ourselves that we didn't care.

Getting torn apart on Sunday Supplement? Fuck them.
Getting laughed at by Merson / Soccer Saturday? Bollox to them.
The world laughing at us over Kaka? They don't get it yet. They'll learn.
Getting hated on every message board, phone-in, newspaper article across the country? Bitters. Jealous.

The fact is, it's been really hard and really depressing to hear City being run down at every opportunity, no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise. Success is great in football - but at the cost of everyone despising you?

On 90mins we all stared into the bottomless pit of what was just minutes away for us... more derision, abuse, laughter, scorn, hate. We knew what was coming.

For me, all these positive messages and celebrations from other teams has made it all perfect. The Youtube videos have me in tears of laughter and emotion. There's more to football than picking up trophies by bullying, cheating and trampling on everything in your path to get them and ending up despised for your arrogance (you know who i'm looking at).

I hope every true, long suffering football supporter out there some day gets to feel that rush that we had, they all deserve it.
Tottenham Dave said:
cleavers said:
Tottenham Dave said:
For the rest of us mortals, how does it actually feel?

I mean to win?

We've been waiting 51 years.

It must be great.
For me, I'm still a bit numb with it all, still keep checking its not a dream, I've watched it 4 times now, once was sheer hell, the other 3 times have been wonderful. I've also celebrated three times, at the game when the whistle went, after the game, and boy did we celebrate in the City centre pubs afterwards, I only went in 2, but I have never seen anything like it, then again in the square on Monday, that was a more relaxed, more sober party, but equally enjoyable.

If you win it eventually then make sure you celebrate with your fans, friends, and if possible family, I managed all three at the weekend, and it made it very special, it would be hard to forget anyway, but it was easily one of the best days of my life (50 earlier this year).

That's brilliant mate, I can almost taste it!

just imagine, losing 2 -1 with less than 4 minutes to go.. we get a 2nd. i walk down to the front to get ready for a rather upsetting end of season lap around the pitch. then the goal goes in that wins the league and find your self jumping over the wall onto the pitch back into the stand then next thing lying on top of a another lad crying scream in his face "WE'VE FUCKING DONE IT!!! WE'VE DONE IT!!! YESSSSSSSSS!" then the whistle goes and fighting your way past stewards onto the pitch, then eventually getting on and just running and running and hugging randoms and sliding around like a child. just pure emotion running through your veins a life time of pain and bullying becomes worth it. we done it! :D

I felt so proud of the club and the players.
Just found this. Apologies if already posted. Sunderland fans singin Bluemoon to Fergie. Absolutely hilarious. At the end of this video [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vQq0FPfufA&feature=relmfu[/youtube]
Del Monte said:
Just found this. Apologies if already posted. Sunderland fans singin Bluemoon to Fergie. Absolutely hilarious. At the end of this video [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vQq0FPfufA&feature=relmfu[/youtube]
You da man! (sorry, *gets coat*)

Seriosuly though, that's fucking hilarious - not seen that before. Mackems gone up even further in my estimation.
ban-mcfc said:
Ffpr has to fuck off!!!

No mid table side can come out of nowhere like we have and experience the sheer brilliance that we have these past two seasons anymore.

It was the best day of my life and all supporters should at least have the hope to do the same.

With platinis shite rules theres no hope for anything like it again on the scale we have.

This needs it's own thread...

Great point that needs discussing beyond this board. We are in a great position now to call this out as we're now fully on the inside of the Champions League club.
I live in the Midlands now, but all the people who know I have supported City for 45 years, still have a season ticket and was at the game have been coming up to me or texting and saying "congratulations ". You'd think it was me who scored the winning goal! Fantastic.
I've been following City since they were promoted, have been actively supporting them since Sven's short tenure, and watching their games since the internet made it a bit "easier" to access.

I must say, that no one I've ever met in the United States ever really knew who City were until this past fall when I was wearing my barely recognizable city hoodie to a Ski shop. The sales guy asked if I like Balotelli, and I was completely confused (hadn't realized what I was wearing). Of course he was a United fan with some made up aunt from Manchester, but he said he really enjoyed watching city when Balotelli played.

Fast forward 6 months and now just about everyone I know has heard or seen the win last Sunday. Its been on every Television and radio sports program, and even on the evening news.

A side note, on Monday morning I heard a Mancunian accent from a Network Engineer and asked if he still followed football, he lifted his ID neck strap to show the Red and yellow... I started laughing at him as he turned and walked away saying "it was only 2 minutes".
I thought I'd wait until you'd all calmed down a bit before posting my congratulations !

I'm really genuinely happy you've won the title. I'm especially happy for all the City fans I've known over the years who've experienced the good times and the bad - and for a club the size of City there's been a lot of relatively bad times.

I'm a Port Vale fan so I know more than most what it's like to wait a long time between successes (and even then our successes are on a fairly small scale).

I've always had a soft spot for City and I couldn't really say exactly why. Years ago if Vale weren't at home on the same Saturday as City I would make the trip to Maine Road, easily done from (at that time) Longport station at the north end of Stoke or by car as I got older. I always felt welcome at City and never felt I couldn't openly say I was a Vale fan who had just come along to see City play. Although we were a million miles apart and City fans must have thought they'd never play Vale in a league match there wasn't any obnoxious piss taking, just humourous banter, not like the superior attitude you get from Tarquin who lives in Hertfordshire on his annual trip to Old Trafford (he's always been a red, you know. Not because he's a glory hunting arsehole, it's because of family connections - his grandad passed through Piccadilly station during WW2). It's not Man Utd I can't do with so much, just the turds who support them.

Anyway, unbelievably for me, Vale and City actually did end up in the same division for a few seasons in the 90's, coincidentally at the same time I was working in Manchester in a factory on the east side out towards the M60. The overwhelming majority of people in the factory were City fans, as you'd expect, with a mix of Bury, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport fans and even a couple of Stoke and Vale fans. The football discussions were great and the City fans only reinforced my view that they were genuine footy fans who knew the game and, whilst being part of a big club, weren't disparaging or disrespectful to fans of smaller clubs who could never realistically hold the same dreams and hopes City fans could.

That's an endearing quality and one you should try and hold on to now you've finally reached the promised land. It'll be difficult as you should have more and more success and you too will start to attract the Tarquins from Hertfordshire but I just hope you don't get swamped with them like your Salford neighbours.

Some people, particularly those with a drinker's conk and an ageing brain pickled in whisky, will say that City have bought the title. Well, who hasn't in the past 20+ years and, more importantly, who wouldn't if they could? I sure as hell wouldn't feel any less happy if a mega rich owner funded the Vale to the Premier League title. I'd be over the moon just to get back to the Championship!

Finally, congratulations once again. Like Blackpool getting to the Prem (and hopefully getting back?) City, even with your sugar daddy, winning the league after so many years is a breath of fresh air to all the real football fans who follow their teams week in and week out knowing that the major trophies are nearly always going to go to the TV 'fan' funded corporate brand clubs like ManUre, Arsehole and Chelski. We all know what the wait's like but we don't know what the success is like and we're all a bit jealous of how you must be feeling right now!

Don't change - just stay as proper football fans, as City fans, the big club the fans of smaller clubs can identify with.

And TONY MARTIN if you're still out there I hope the pain of the last 44 years evaporated for you on Sunday afternoon!
SourceOfTheTrent said:
I thought I'd wait until you'd all calmed down a bit before posting my congratulations !

I'm really genuinely happy you've won the title. I'm especially happy for all the City fans I've known over the years who've experienced the good times and the bad - and for a club the size of City there's been a lot of relatively bad times.

I'm a Port Vale fan so I know more than most what it's like to wait a long time between successes (and even then our successes are on a fairly small scale).

I've always had a soft spot for City and I couldn't really say exactly why. Years ago if Vale weren't at home on the same Saturday as City I would make the trip to Maine Road, easily done from (at that time) Longport station at the north end of Stoke or by car as I got older. I always felt welcome at City and never felt I couldn't openly say I was a Vale fan who had just come along to see City play. Although we were a million miles apart and City fans must have thought they'd never play Vale in a league match there wasn't any obnoxious piss taking, just humourous banter, not like the superior attitude you get from Tarquin who lives in Hertfordshire on his annual trip to Old Trafford (he's always been a red, you know. Not because he's a glory hunting arsehole, it's because of family connections - his grandad passed through Piccadilly station during WW2). It's not Man Utd I can't do with so much, just the turds who support them.

Anyway, unbelievably for me, Vale and City actually did end up in the same division for a few seasons in the 90's, coincidentally at the same time I was working in Manchester in a factory on the east side out towards the M60. The overwhelming majority of people in the factory were City fans, as you'd expect, with a mix of Bury, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport fans and even a couple of Stoke and Vale fans. The football discussions were great and the City fans only reinforced my view that they were genuine footy fans who knew the game and, whilst being part of a big club, weren't disparaging or disrespectful to fans of smaller clubs who could never realistically hold the same dreams and hopes City fans could.

That's an endearing quality and one you should try and hold on to now you've finally reached the promised land. It'll be difficult as you should have more and more success and you too will start to attract the Tarquins from Hertfordshire but I just hope you don't get swamped with them like your Salford neighbours.

Some people, particularly those with a drinker's conk and an ageing brain pickled in whisky, will say that City have bought the title. Well, who hasn't in the past 20+ years and, more importantly, who wouldn't if they could? I sure as hell wouldn't feel any less happy if a mega rich owner funded the Vale to the Premier League title. I'd be over the moon just to get back to the Championship!

Finally, congratulations once again. Like Blackpool getting to the Prem (and hopefully getting back?) City, even with your sugar daddy, winning the league after so many years is a breath of fresh air to all the real football fans who follow their teams week in and week out knowing that the major trophies are nearly always going to go to the TV 'fan' funded corporate brand clubs like ManUre, Arsehole and Chelski. We all know what the wait's like but we don't know what the success is like and we're all a bit jealous of how you must be feeling right now!

Don't change - just stay as proper football fans, as City fans, the big club the fans of smaller clubs can identify with.

And TONY MARTIN if you're still out there I hope the pain of the last 44 years evaporated for you on Sunday afternoon!

port vale is the first result i look for outside of the prem.
SourceOfTheTrent said:
I thought I'd wait until you'd all calmed down a bit before posting my congratulations !

I'm really genuinely happy you've won the title. I'm especially happy for all the City fans I've known over the years who've experienced the good times and the bad - and for a club the size of City there's been a lot of relatively bad times.

I'm a Port Vale fan so I know more than most what it's like to wait a long time between successes (and even then our successes are on a fairly small scale).

I've always had a soft spot for City and I couldn't really say exactly why. Years ago if Vale weren't at home on the same Saturday as City I would make the trip to Maine Road, easily done from (at that time) Longport station at the north end of Stoke or by car as I got older. I always felt welcome at City and never felt I couldn't openly say I was a Vale fan who had just come along to see City play. Although we were a million miles apart and City fans must have thought they'd never play Vale in a league match there wasn't any obnoxious piss taking, just humourous banter, not like the superior attitude you get from Tarquin who lives in Hertfordshire on his annual trip to Old Trafford (he's always been a red, you know. Not because he's a glory hunting arsehole, it's because of family connections - his grandad passed through Piccadilly station during WW2). It's not Man Utd I can't do with so much, just the turds who support them.

Anyway, unbelievably for me, Vale and City actually did end up in the same division for a few seasons in the 90's, coincidentally at the same time I was working in Manchester in a factory on the east side out towards the M60. The overwhelming majority of people in the factory were City fans, as you'd expect, with a mix of Bury, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport fans and even a couple of Stoke and Vale fans. The football discussions were great and the City fans only reinforced my view that they were genuine footy fans who knew the game and, whilst being part of a big club, weren't disparaging or disrespectful to fans of smaller clubs who could never realistically hold the same dreams and hopes City fans could.

That's an endearing quality and one you should try and hold on to now you've finally reached the promised land. It'll be difficult as you should have more and more success and you too will start to attract the Tarquins from Hertfordshire but I just hope you don't get swamped with them like your Salford neighbours.

Some people, particularly those with a drinker's conk and an ageing brain pickled in whisky, will say that City have bought the title. Well, who hasn't in the past 20+ years and, more importantly, who wouldn't if they could? I sure as hell wouldn't feel any less happy if a mega rich owner funded the Vale to the Premier League title. I'd be over the moon just to get back to the Championship!

Finally, congratulations once again. Like Blackpool getting to the Prem (and hopefully getting back?) City, even with your sugar daddy, winning the league after so many years is a breath of fresh air to all the real football fans who follow their teams week in and week out knowing that the major trophies are nearly always going to go to the TV 'fan' funded corporate brand clubs like ManUre, Arsehole and Chelski. We all know what the wait's like but we don't know what the success is like and we're all a bit jealous of how you must be feeling right now!

Don't change - just stay as proper football fans, as City fans, the big club the fans of smaller clubs can identify with.

And TONY MARTIN if you're still out there I hope the pain of the last 44 years evaporated for you on Sunday afternoon!
Vale effectively relegated us in my first proper season of watching city. I cried my eyes out at vale away. Couple of seasons later Martin Doyle scored a couple against us but we managed to get the wins. Cool ground. The wembley of the north I was told.

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