Help I need to get rid of a corpse...

paphos-mcfc said:
Swales lives said:
What's the best way?
I was thinking of using a wood-chipper, like on "Fargo", but it's very noisy.

I thought you'd fucked off and said bye-bye? Anyway on topic, concentrate Sulphuric acid or 50 miles out at sea should do the trick.

People mistook me saying I was going to commit suicide as some kind of farewell, but I was just going to bed.

Sleep is the brother of death so I can see where the confusion lay.
watch dexter he covers a room in plastic sheeting drains the blood and then chops it up into easy to manage pieces and chucks it in the sea.

problem solved oh and make sure to kill anybody who can tie you to the victim at time of disappearance. dont want that to come and bite you in the ass trust me
slicky202 said:
watch dexter he covers a room in plastic sheeting drains the blood and then chops it up into easy to manage pieces and chucks it in the sea.

problem solved oh and make sure to kill anybody who can tie you to the victim at time of disappearance. dont want that to come and bite you in the ass trust me

to be fair, dexter has nothing on this guy

WD40 said:
Place the corpse in a bath, sever the vains at the back of the knees, throat and under the arms and let all the blood drain out. Remove hands, feet and all the teeth, then under the cover of darkness, transfer to the a hire van. Dig the grave, at least 6ft deep and cover in quick lime, backfill, and your problems gone.
aphex said:
slicky202 said:
watch dexter he covers a room in plastic sheeting drains the blood and then chops it up into easy to manage pieces and chucks it in the sea.

problem solved oh and make sure to kill anybody who can tie you to the victim at time of disappearance. dont want that to come and bite you in the ass trust me

to be fair, dexter has nothing on this guy

WD40 said:
Place the corpse in a bath, sever the vains at the back of the knees, throat and under the arms and let all the blood drain out. Remove hands, feet and all the teeth, then under the cover of darkness, transfer to the a hire van. Dig the grave, at least 6ft deep and cover in quick lime, backfill, and your problems gone.

Good spot Aphex, he scared me, him.
file down fingerprints, slit throught and hang over the bath by the legs. let all the blood drain out. saw the joints (elbows, knees etc...) remove head.

crush/smash the head. grind the bones with a pestal & mortar. mince the rest of the head meat (brain, cheeks, eyes etc...) mix together to form a paste

mix with another meat so it is hard to track and chuck it in a skip

buy a shite car and put the severed body parts under the engine.

trade your car for scrap metal and when it gets melted down it will have the effect of a cremation and will be untracable :)
depends what corpse really, if it's a hamster...just shove it in a shoebox and dig a 1 foot by 1 foot grave for the furry bastard.

a human would be different. you wouldnt drain the blood down your own taps...that'd be stupid. dna will be left over. the average human has 8 pints of blood. so what i would do is cover my kitchen floor in plastic film or lino, put 3 bin bags over the head, hang the body from the worktop head down, make a deep slice into the neck and drain the blood. the bin bags will hold 8 litres without dripping. once the body seems drained, leave it another 10 mins to make sure.

carefully remove the bin bags and lay the body on the floor. pour a 2 litre bottle of bleach into the bin bag. blood is ever so slighty acidic so any strong alkaline (bleach) added will confuse the dna structure.

i'd burn the finger and toe nails to a crisp, yank the teeth out with pliers and would wax ALL the hair of the body (hair will continue to grow for a few weeks after a person dies so you want as little hair as possible for as long as possible)

if the person has tattoos, dismember that part of the body and remove as much identity as possible, same goes for piercings or other modifications. i would roll the body in the plastic you put on the floor first and the dead of night...having previously kitted out my car boot with bin liners, put in the body with the head upwards to avoid any dripping blood. i would tightly and securely fasten the bin bag of blood and bleach and put it on my passenger seat floor (on top of a few cushions)

this is where it gets tricky. you have to make sure you know where you are going is not covered by cctv, so no inner city areas or industrial estates. earlier in the morning i would of hired a hire car but this be used as a decoy, i will be using my own car for the transportation of the corpse. i would drive to the yorkshire moors, find a drain on a country lane, and empty the bin bag of blood in it (you wouldnt dump the whole bag in it, cos it may overflood sometime.

all this time i would be dressed in paint sprayer overalls with non latex gloves, cling film over my socks and legs and then over my shoes once my feet are in them. i would then drive to the most remote part i could possibly think of and dispose of the body in the undergrowth way away from the roads. i would then drive to blackpool, burn the bin bags and may clothes in a field on the way, make a card transaction in blackpool and then return home before dawn. i would completely cover my kitchen in bleach and leave to soak throughout the day and then take my hire car (which i hadn't used) to the hire shop 2 days later (hired it for three days), go drinking and then return home in the early hours the next morning.

if it ever came to me being questioned. i went for a bus ride to blackpool because i could feel the clutch on my own car going and so hired a new one because i wanted to go to blackpool. i then realised i didnt want to drive as i was tired so i got the bus instead. i had the hire car for three days so i wasnt bothered about losing 1 days driving on it. i got home from blackpool the day after and went driving in my hire car.

is this too long an answer to the op?

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