Helping the Homeless

I am a team leader leader at a soup kitchen, been so for some 5 years in Manchester
A lot of blues help
Sad to say some Blues visit as well
Care in the community
Bad luck
Old age
You name it we see it
Please treat them as human beings not a sub life
Dont expect thanks for a gift just do it out of kindness to another human being down on thier luck.
Buy them a coffee and sandwich
Better still smile and chat for a moment
May God protect you from ever being in that position
I used to feed the homeless in Manchester used to go down in a camper van cook loads of Irish stew and Yorkshire pudding done if for about 6 months very rewarding at the time
I don't give cash out, but I've shared fags and a coffee with some blokes. Only big issue I've ever bought was when the guy said I get two free staples!! Laughed at that. I personally wouldn't ask for the help (beg), I'd use my last few quid to buy a tent and not mither people. Each to their own, there's always choices.
i remember the other year talking to a lad in the Northern quarter who was homeless,i noticed he had a few fingers missing and he said he had frostbite through living out on the streets in the winter,what a lovely fella he was! me and my pal chatted to him for ages,gave him a few smokes and a few quid and bought him some food from that little supermarket near afflecks.Some terrible comments from people on here which reflects badly on the person saying 'fuck em' etc,take a little time out from whatever you're doing and have a chat with them and buy them a bit of food or a brew they are fellow human beings who are going through hell
mrt4919 said:
I am a team leader leader at a soup kitchen, been so for some 5 years in Manchester
A lot of blues help
Sad to say some Blues visit as well
Care in the community
Bad luck
Old age
You name it we see it
Please treat them as human beings not a sub life
Dont expect thanks for a gift just do it out of kindness to another human being down on thier luck.
Buy them a coffee and sandwich
Better still smile and chat for a moment
May God protect you from ever being in that position
respect to you mate,keep up the good work
unsworthblue said:
i remember the other year talking to a lad in the Northern quarter who was homeless,i noticed he had a few fingers missing and he said he had frostbite through living out on the streets in the winter,what a lovely fella he was! me and my pal chatted to him for ages,gave him a few smokes and a few quid and bought him some food from that little supermarket near afflecks.Some terrible comments from people on here which reflects badly on the person saying 'fuck em' etc,take a little time out from whatever you're doing and have a chat with them and buy them a bit of food or a brew they are fellow human beings who are going through hell
Abso fucking lutley.
If I have it on me, I always give them some money, and I don't give a shite how they spend it (have had 'discussions' with mates who say they'll just spend it on alcohol - so fucking what!). As for them sleeping outside my house, well I'd put spikes out there to stop them. As much as I feel for them, and genuinely believe that they all have issues that need sorting, I certainly don't want them sleeping on my front door step.
mrt4919 said:
I am a team leader leader at a soup kitchen, been so for some 5 years in Manchester
A lot of blues help
Sad to say some Blues visit as well
Care in the community
Bad luck
Old age
You name it we see it
Please treat them as human beings not a sub life
Dont expect thanks for a gift just do it out of kindness to another human being down on thier luck.
Buy them a coffee and sandwich
Better still smile and chat for a moment
May God protect you from ever being in that position

I trust this is Martin? Craig here who volunteers on a Friday.

I echo what has been said.

A friendly smile and a chat goes a long way!
I find homelessness such a worry as it could happen to anyone. Always give when I can. Well done to those who offer more support - you're doing a great job.
Celeste said:
I find homelessness such a worry as it could happen to anyone.
This ^. All it takes is a run of bad lack. The tragedy of it is that many of them needn't be sleeping on the streets. Personally speaking, I have plenty of people in my life who'd help me out if I ever needed a place to stay, and I'm sure most people here could say the same. For a lot of homeless people, however, they feel they are unable to ask their family and friends for help, for any number of reasons (pride, fear, etc.) That's the saddest part of it, for me.

I give to Crisis every year because, in addition to providing warm beds and meals, they also help to rehabilitate homeless people and encourage them to overcome any issues or difficulties that might be preventing them from seeking help from family and friends. There are other homeless charities but I reckon they're the best. It's shitty though that we even need charities for this sort of thing - no one should be homeless in a country as supposedly developed and affluent as ours.

For people begging on the streets, don't give them money (hot food and drink much better), but do talk to them, even just to acknowledge them or say hello. Just being treated like people is probably worth more to them.

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