HH Sheikh Mansour congratulates City fans

Eastlands said:
I've always loved City and the move to Eastlands exited me. Then came the new owner's, great football and our recent successes, but I feel very uneasy at what I'm reading into this article:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/manchester-citys-ambitions-unlimited-says-6284637" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ ... ys-6284637</a>

Speaking at the United Arab Emirates University he said: “Ambitions are large and unlimited,”

Despite planning global domination, Sheikh Mansour was also clear about the homegrown path the Blues’ future will take.

Sheikh Mansour, who is estimated to have long since passed the £1bn barrier in terms of money spent since buying the club in 2008, also told his audience that the Blues were the club of the Arab world and that his tenure had raised the profile of Arab ownership overseas.

“We have given a good impression of the Arab investor,” he said.

And Sheikh Mansour, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, added that feasibility is the most important aspect of his ownership.

Thanks to Sheikh Mansour’s involvement City’s popularity has soared in the UAE and he also told those gathered: “This is your club.”

WHO'S CLUB? As a paying City supporter since 1953, who am I then? certainly not the target for this Cityhad Juggernaut. I enjoy the football but our bought success comes at a price, our pride and our dignity. The glory hunters will revel in it

Some of the M/c. Evening News reader's grovelling comments on this story make me want to puke.

You probably posted it yourself Ragboy
A sign of the times .......

it appears to me that it's no coincidence that the clubs making any real headway in the Premiership have foreign owners , or investors ...... i think , as the table currently stands , that's the case with four of the five top placed clubs .... with only Spurs being an exception.

You can only base your view on what you see , read and hear , but our owners appear balanced , ambitious , true to their word , and genuinely interested in taking the club forward , especially through its youth investment ...... and whilst we have to understand that the Sheikh himself has so many business and family obligations , i do like the fact that Khaldoon , the Sheikhs 'eyes and ears' , reguarly visits and watches games here , he show an interest and with every passing day the owners are learning more and more both about the game itself , and the part we have played , and will continue to play.

But there's probably little doubt that the Sheikhs profile itself have been 'raised' through his work (and input) into this club , and no doubt that probability has fuelled the minds of the cynics , because realistically how many football fans , or people , in this country or otherwise , would have even known his name before he bought this club ??

However the same could probably be said about practically foreign investor in an english football club ..

I wouldn't have known the Sheikhs name beforehand , for one ....

But it's clear that , as with Roman Abramovich too , most do now ....
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Rammy Blue said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I'm more of a Malcolm Glazer man, myself.

I quite agree, at least Malc has sons who turn up to watch the team regularly.
Do they look bored? I think not.


Didn't the one in the middle star in "There's Something about Mary"?
Salford_Blue said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Rammy Blue said:
I quite agree, at least Malc has sons who turn up to watch the team regularly.
Do they look bored? I think not.


Didn't the one in the middle star in "There's Something about Mary"?

Is that the Bellamy brothers ... the 'Big Mac' brigade ... or Rag , Tag & Bobtail?
Eastlands said:
I've always loved City and the move to Eastlands exited me. Then came the new owner's, great football and our recent successes, but I feel very uneasy at what I'm reading into this article:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/manchester-citys-ambitions-unlimited-says-6284637" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ ... ys-6284637</a>

Speaking at the United Arab Emirates University he said: “Ambitions are large and unlimited,”

Despite planning global domination, Sheikh Mansour was also clear about the homegrown path the Blues’ future will take.

Sheikh Mansour, who is estimated to have long since passed the £1bn barrier in terms of money spent since buying the club in 2008, also told his audience that the Blues were the club of the Arab world and that his tenure had raised the profile of Arab ownership overseas.

“We have given a good impression of the Arab investor,” he said.

And Sheikh Mansour, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, added that feasibility is the most important aspect of his ownership.

Thanks to Sheikh Mansour’s involvement City’s popularity has soared in the UAE and he also told those gathered: “This is your club.”

WHO'S CLUB? As a paying City supporter since 1953, who am I then? certainly not the target for this Cityhad Juggernaut. I enjoy the football but our bought success comes at a price, our pride and our dignity. The glory hunters will revel in it

Some of the M/c. Evening News reader's grovelling comments on this story make me want to puke.

I find it comforting that we have fans who do question what is happening and do not follow blindly all they hear. You continue to question as its your right to do so. Any organisation will make mistakes and if that organisation is to learn from them then mistakes and errors of judgement need to be questioned. It is far more dangerous for MCFC on the whole for everyone to bury their heads in the sand and follow blindly all that happens.

The above is not criticism of the owner or management staff as i do believe if we feel they are getting things wrong they would rather we the fans told them about it. So well done Eastlands for voicing your concerns and ignore the puerile "rag" comments as they are just pathetic.
Rascal said:
Eastlands said:
I've always loved City and the move to Eastlands exited me. Then came the new owner's, great football and our recent successes, but I feel very uneasy at what I'm reading into this article:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/manchester-citys-ambitions-unlimited-says-6284637" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ ... ys-6284637</a>

Speaking at the United Arab Emirates University he said: “Ambitions are large and unlimited,”

Despite planning global domination, Sheikh Mansour was also clear about the homegrown path the Blues’ future will take.

Sheikh Mansour, who is estimated to have long since passed the £1bn barrier in terms of money spent since buying the club in 2008, also told his audience that the Blues were the club of the Arab world and that his tenure had raised the profile of Arab ownership overseas.

“We have given a good impression of the Arab investor,” he said.

And Sheikh Mansour, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, added that feasibility is the most important aspect of his ownership.

Thanks to Sheikh Mansour’s involvement City’s popularity has soared in the UAE and he also told those gathered: “This is your club.”

WHO'S CLUB? As a paying City supporter since 1953, who am I then? certainly not the target for this Cityhad Juggernaut. I enjoy the football but our bought success comes at a price, our pride and our dignity. The glory hunters will revel in it

Some of the M/c. Evening News reader's grovelling comments on this story make me want to puke.

I find it comforting that we have fans who do question what is happening and do not follow blindly all they hear. You continue to question as its your right to do so. Any organisation will make mistakes and if that organisation is to learn from them then mistakes and errors of judgement need to be questioned. It is far more dangerous for MCFC on the whole for everyone to bury their heads in the sand and follow blindly all that happens.

The above is not criticism of the owner or management staff as i do believe if we feel they are getting things wrong they would rather we the fans told them about it. So well done Eastlands for voicing your concerns and ignore the puerile "rag" comments as they are just pathetic.

Im all for positive criticism and questioning what is happening at our club. I also appreciate that not everything is sweetness and light. But if you really think that comment came from a Blue then you must be a very naive man. But as I said earlier, 'Pride and dignity'? This sounds like comments a Blue would make? I dont think so.
Mike N said:
Why would someone go onto a comments page and pretend to be a blue when quite obviously he is a horrible Rag? 'Dignity and pride'? Fuck me, these lot are pathetic.

I must have been pretending for sixty years then, unlike many on these pages I actually went to Maine Road and now to Eastlands . I grew up in Bradford, Manchester and my comment seeks to balance the euphoria of city's success against the motivations of it's new owners who seek to launder their reputation by pretending it's all done for Manchester City supporters in order to promote the global branding of their undemocratic Country and it's Etihad Airways - National Airline of United Arab Emirates
Read it again if you ever bothered to at all, he tells his people it's their club. If you don't get that, it's you who is pathetic
Eastlands said:
Mike N said:
Why would someone go onto a comments page and pretend to be a blue when quite obviously he is a horrible Rag? 'Dignity and pride'? Fuck me, these lot are pathetic.

I must have been pretending for sixty years then, unlike many on these pages I actually went to Maine Road and now to Eastlands . I grew up in Bradford, Manchester and my comment seeks to balance the euphoria of city's success against the motivations of it's new owners who seek to launder their reputation by pretending it's all done for Manchester City supporters in order to promote the global branding of their undemocratic Country and it's Etihad Airways - National Airline of United Arab Emirates
Read it again if you ever bothered to at all, he tells his people it's their club. If you don't get that, it's you who is pathetic

The problem is mate it is probably quite a selfish reason they do it for and reflected success but they do acknowledge us as existing and seek to make the experience and football better on nearly a weekly basis these days. They ask for our opinions and listen to us, we had Franny Lee and Swales basically telling us to fuck off for 20 years and they were supposed to be real fans like us.
Etihad sponsor many other stadiums and teams in all areas of sport so we are hardly unique in the sense that they are our sponsor. I think as it seems your main problem is you dont like the country or it leaders as its not democratic, but they are far better at running the club than the 50 years of wankers that proceeded them. Rascal will agree with you because he is a hard core leftie (great guy though :) ) but its clouding your judgement on what they have done for us as a club and that area of the City and jobs created. It may be for selfish reasons or publicity as there main reason but its benefiting very many people
Rascal said:
Eastlands said:
I've always loved City and the move to Eastlands exited me. Then came the new owner's, great football and our recent successes, but I feel very uneasy at what I'm reading into this article:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/manchester-citys-ambitions-unlimited-says-6284637" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ ... ys-6284637</a>

Speaking at the United Arab Emirates University he said: “Ambitions are large and unlimited,”

Despite planning global domination, Sheikh Mansour was also clear about the homegrown path the Blues’ future will take.

Sheikh Mansour, who is estimated to have long since passed the £1bn barrier in terms of money spent since buying the club in 2008, also told his audience that the Blues were the club of the Arab world and that his tenure had raised the profile of Arab ownership overseas.

“We have given a good impression of the Arab investor,” he said.

And Sheikh Mansour, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, added that feasibility is the most important aspect of his ownership.

Thanks to Sheikh Mansour’s involvement City’s popularity has soared in the UAE and he also told those gathered: “This is your club.”

WHO'S CLUB? As a paying City supporter since 1953, who am I then? certainly not the target for this Cityhad Juggernaut. I enjoy the football but our bought success comes at a price, our pride and our dignity. The glory hunters will revel in it

Some of the M/c. Evening News reader's grovelling comments on this story make me want to puke.

I find it comforting that we have fans who do question what is happening and do not follow blindly all they hear. You continue to question as its your right to do so. Any organisation will make mistakes and if that organisation is to learn from them then mistakes and errors of judgement need to be questioned. It is far more dangerous for MCFC on the whole for everyone to bury their heads in the sand and follow blindly all that happens.

The above is not criticism of the owner or management staff as i do believe if we feel they are getting things wrong they would rather we the fans told them about it. So well done Eastlands for voicing your concerns and ignore the puerile "rag" comments as they are just pathetic.
We've always questioned the motives of the owners and should continue to do so. We forced Swales out, Franny Lee took plenty of stick and I was at the forefront of the questioning of our direction under Wardle and that self-serving cock Mackintosh. They all had self-interest at the very top of their agenda.

We're the fans and while we may not own the club in any legal sense, it is very much "our" club. The major difference with these owners is that, as well as their self-interest, we've got something out of it this time. That's why I may question what people like David Conn, Colin Shindler and posters like Eastlands say, I fully accept their right to say it. We should always be vigilant about the future of our club.

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