Hiddink Vs Mourinho

Neither will come.

And secondly, no, most City fans don't want Hughes out. We need to improve, but we're a win behind Arsenal, ffs. The football's been poor of late, but i'm sure it will improve.
pardoe said:
Neither will come.

And secondly, no, most City fans don't want Hughes out. We need to improve, but we're a win behind Arsenal, ffs. The football's been poor of late, but i'm sure it will improve.

I do think that this is changing and the "Hughes out!" campaign is gaining momentum
I'm still entirely firm in my opinion that he should have this season at least.

Unless HITZFELD wants the job earlier, that is.
Danamy said:
chris313nt said:
Hiddink - level headed & concentrates on his football, not interested in the press...
Redknapp - English, plays the EPL game really well & has worked wonders with the Spuds...
The Special needs one - flamboyant, loves the press, talks shit, up his own arse & has publicly stated he wants the Rags job...if that W*NKER came to Eastlands I would give up 30 yrs of support for City!!! We've had some crap managers, the worst of which was Sven & I stuck by City even through that tossers reign, but the 'Special needs w*nker' would be the icing on the cake...NO THANKS!!

You'll hate to see us winning then?

I've seen us win & lose before plenty of times & unlike some on here (cos I'm old), I've seen some cups raised over the players heads...I wouldn't mind Hiddink or Redknapp as their level headed, but Moron only takes teams over that are already on the edge of success, he lets someone like Raineri put everything in place, rocks in & picks up a cup & f*cks off again! I don't want that shit, I want a solid foundation for the future, not some 'fickle', self important tosser who's going to piss off to the Rags as soon as he wins a cup & baconface retires!!
pardoe said:
Neither will come.

And secondly, no, most City fans don't want Hughes out. We need to improve, but we're a win behind Arsenal, ffs. The football's been poor of late, but i'm sure it will improve.

I keep thinkin that every game then he comes out with the same game plan. He's got Weds and Sat to stop being stubborn and put it right.
kippax94 said:
Robbo. said:
all of which where true , we where close to getting...so if city where as serious as getting Jose or Hiddink like Kaka, Terry and Eto'o i wouold be happy

Another fault with Hughes...

Superstars such as these aren't going to want to play under average managers, I could safely say that If we had either Hiddink or Mourinho in charge, Kaka or Eto'o would've been ours.

Those players wouldn't be ours if we had Moron or Hiddink...these players know that Sparky was a world class player & respect him for it! The problem for these type of players is we're an unproven club & their world class players who want regular CL football & until we can offer that we'll only get good but greedy players who are too lazy to perform on a regular basis...like Ade...very inconsistent!
allan harper said:
Whos decides if hughes gets sacked Monsour or Kad
Guessing Khaldoon he runs the club on behalf of the Sheikh. Which convinces me Hughes aint going anywhere as Khaldoon stated publicly the target was top 6. The only way it will happen is if it becomes impossible to reach said target.

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