Brain damaged should be classed as some more serious charge below murder maybe,as in theory your in a bubble.who needs 24/7 care plus you fked the whole family life up.
And seeing 12 shitheads on to 1 man who took away his independence & life
Wish karma on all of them cancer or something worse,
Worked down there 15/18yrs ago,got told what bars were ok & ones not to even walk passed at a certain time.mostly around the bus station and the train station,
Only had one run in, in the time I was there,3 off them while I was at the chippy order then waited outside having a fag first guy manc c.nt,then the other 2 turned up,owner told them leave it out,
First guy told him do you want slashing as well,
Sort off knew then it wasn't just going to be a fair fight,
Run or stand,fk it first guy goes anywhere near any pockets gets it first.
The main guy makes a move,butted the c.nt nose & claret 2nd guy moves left hook,3rd guy backs off abit,
Then just as the threats start a guy Ive had small chats with, in a bar I went in
Turns up,asked am i ok,told the 3 am a mate off him,
Sorry Jerry,he then told them if I get any shit punched slashed anything, you no what will happen,yeah yeah.
I believe all those convicted will possibly face further charges. I wish it was murder but I bet it won't be unfortunately. Yet they planned to attack him so it was premeditated, they kicked and stamped on him so it was excessive violence intent to cause him serious harm, which it did and now his death. At least the cowardly scrotes are having some sleepless nights now they may face more jail time.