Hooliganism and Violence Maine Road 80's/early 90's

So you realised you just wanted to attack people who like different music. Because they smell.
No I was young stupid and violent. Looking back I had flaws growing up with no father figure as he died quite horrifically when I was 11 and nobody around for me to look up to or take any guidence from, is it an excuse no, but it is a reason. Everywhere around me at the time there was violence and quite bluntly I enjoyed everything that surounded it.
What do you want me to say that I wasn't a bad person and you are right when you pontifacte as if I don't know what I did was wrong.
I know it was wrong NOW but at the time I didn't really care what you think now or anyone thought then.
I didn't value myself at the time or anyone else really.
You making such an obvious statement as if I don't know now what a sort of person I was back then is just a way of you asking me to say sorry to you personally for breaking your moral code.
To ask such a basic question when you know the answer can only be to make you think yourself a better person when actually it makes you out to be a bigger **** than I was at the time to be honest.
Grew up in the 60s and 70s, loved watching Alf Garnet, Till Death us do Part, (West Ham Fan) also, Love thy Neighbour, all on prime time TV, we also had, The Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club, with all the Comic's, the things I heard on TV growing up was the norm then, this was society at the time, yes it carried through to Football Stadiums, the question is, were we Racists, today we would be, but then it was the norm. I don't see myself as a racist, but I was as bad as anyone else who attended Football at that time. Today its good that it is behind us and back the changes that have been made, and the current Kick Racism out of Football.
When I became a teen, I ventured onto the Kippax, but moved to the North Stand for one season, great atmosphere, but short lived, still say the club missed a trick. It was after the seats went in the North Stand for me the Violence kicked in. No segregation in the Kippax, the Rag games were a nightmare, a Rope dividing us, within minutes of Kick off the rope and coppers had diapered, Absolut bedlam every time we played them. Other stand out games were Birmingham who did come in early,(on the top left side) and did sing that they had taken the Kippax, Sunderland (on the top right side) in the FA Cup for me one of the worst. Spurs came up the steps at the back of the Kippax, 5 minutes after kick off and waded in at the back, but only lasted seconds and ran back out, and into the platt lane, by jumping over the wall at the front by the corner flag. West Ham, they stood their ground next to the North stand in the corner. When segregation was finally put in, the violence was outside, but for them few years it was bad, certainly not handbags, it was full on. Still cannot remember the NF, I remember people like, Hammer, Debbie, and Bulldog, with his donkey jacket and cotton wool in his ears, the Cool Kats/Governors. Loved my time on the Kippax, going away on Football specials, we were young and enjoyed it, but its in the past, and these are different times.
Yes,Bulldog,cotton wool and that donkey jacket happy days also have you got 10p Donald.
Really? I can recall town full of Munich’s being regularly sung (which fortunately is now a thing of the past) but not that
Unfortunately, “Town full of Pakis” was sung at home against Bradford as recently as the 2000-01 season in that 6-0 win.
Looking back, it was state brutality. Today's dictators would have been proud of Thatcher and the establishment machine she controlled.

Just because She gave people the right to buy their council houses didn't make everything else she did acceptable.

At least she looked after the rich and upper middle classes. Arf!
Giving people the chance to buy their council houses was a money spinning exercise, and started the reduction of social housing in this country. Should never have been allowed to happen. We still don’t have enough social housing in the country now.
Unfortunately, “Town full of Pakis” was sung at home against Bradford as recently as the 2000-01 season in that 6-0 win.
It was def sung by The kippax at villa fans in the platt lane late 80s/early 90s ...Paul Lake injury game i think. Midweek night game..
Lots of things went on back then,no one revels in the memories..but they happened.
On a different post someone asked when Segregation was installed, I think it was 73/74, without segregation someone could easily of been seriously injured or even killed on the Kippax, it was that bad, to describe what happened is difficult, Sunderland sticks out for me, 1973, they had several thousand in the top right corner, with City standing off with a gap between the fans of 30 to 40 feet, you are talking hundreds on each side, we were constantly charging at one another, the Police stepped aside, due to the amount involved, you had to make sure you were not dragged back by them otherwise you were in trouble, I saw several lads go down, knocked out unconscious, flat out on the floor, the police would then run in pick them up and run out, that's how bad it was, it was uncontrollable, this probably went on for 20 30 minutes, until more police arrived, The Derby was the same, 72/73,the difference was it was dark that day, and you couldn't see who was who, at the back of the Kippax, the lights were useless. Rope was put up to keep us apart ?. The organisation was a joke, having two sets of fans on one terrace, and no segregation was pathetic, it was only when segregation went in that it settled down, violence on the street is bad, but in a confined space, you had to be there to believe it.
No I was young stupid and violent. Looking back I had flaws growing up with no father figure as he died quite horrifically when I was 11 and nobody around for me to look up to or take any guidence from, is it an excuse no, but it is a reason. Everywhere around me at the time there was violence and quite bluntly I enjoyed everything that surounded it.
What do you want me to say that I wasn't a bad person and you are right when you pontifacte as if I don't know what I did was wrong.
I know it was wrong NOW but at the time I didn't really care what you think now or anyone thought then.
I didn't value myself at the time or anyone else really.
You making such an obvious statement as if I don't know now what a sort of person I was back then is just a way of you asking me to say sorry to you personally for breaking your moral code.
To ask such a basic question when you know the answer can only be to make you think yourself a better person when actually it makes you out to be a bigger **** than I was at the time to be honest.
An absolute excellent retort, off course WE knew it was wrong .Peer pressure or whatever it was called back then was one of the reasons that made us do.
On a different post someone asked when Segregation was installed, I think it was 73/74, without segregation someone could easily of been seriously injured or even killed on the Kippax, it was that bad, to describe what happened is difficult, Sunderland sticks out for me, 1973, they had several thousand in the top right corner, with City standing off with a gap between the fans of 30 to 40 feet, you are talking hundreds on each side, we were constantly charging at one another, the Police stepped aside, due to the amount involved, you had to make sure you were not dragged back by them otherwise you were in trouble, I saw several lads go down, knocked out unconscious, flat out on the floor, the police would then run in pick them up and run out, that's how bad it was, it was uncontrollable, this probably went on for 20 30 minutes, until more police arrived, The Derby was the same, 72/73,the difference was it was dark that day, and you couldn't see who was who, at the back of the Kippax, the lights were useless. Rope was put up to keep us apart ?. The organisation was a joke, having two sets of fans on one terrace, and no segregation was pathetic, it was only when segregation went in that it settled down, violence on the street is bad, but in a confined space, you had to be there to believe it.
As soon as i got in the Kippax against Sunderland i started giving it the big i am lol
Police threw me out within 10 seconds
As least i didnt get knicked
Was back in the ground 10 minute later .It was proper toe toe in there that day
On way back to City Center we met a Sunderland fan who was lost
We walked him to City Center then had a few beers with him & his mates .Most of them were getting picked by coach at midnight at Piccadilly
One minute trying to kick the shit out of each other next we having a session together
Them were the days

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