How are we all feeling then?

I feel fine, and after supporting/watching City for 57 years nothing surprises me I think I have seen it all and at the end of the day the best team on the day won, I also class myself very lucky to be following a team that I know will be present in a lot more finals in the coming years, however I won’t be watching any replays or listening/reading any bile the media report.
Oddly, I feel pleased for Wigan.

We were shit and deserved now't which is precisely what we got.

I am more pissed off that today was just so the' typical City' we thought we had left behind.

I am disappointed but not remotely surprised and that's the worst thing of all.
TheMaineRoad said:
After that tame attempt of reclaiming the FA Cup how are we all feeling tonight? I'm feeling quite relaxed to be honest.

Same here pissed off, but the best team won. Does that happen?
Well we're gonna finish in second place in the league , IF we can scramble a single point from the likes of Reading or Norwich , so at least that's some consolation .... we'll make the Champions League again.

I don't feel too despondent over the result today , we looked miserable even getting off the team bus , and hardly looked much happier all afternoon ..... Wigan were the better side , even before we lost Zabaleta.

Two wins in our remaining games might go some way to lifting the mood again , but if we can pinch that point off Reading , i doubt whether anybody will really give a monkeys whether Norwich bother turning up or not !
I feel disappointed, but not surprised, therefore it hurts less than I thought it would.

At the end of such a strange season I'm just feeling a little bemused. We've played shit for 80% of the year, but still somehow stayed in 2nd place.

There have been so many similar performances to today, where we have somehow ground out a 1-0 win and not conceded anything. It could have happened again today and we'd all be happy as larry.

In a way it could be strangely a positive (in the long term at least), as it stops the cracks being papered over. Today was rubbish and for the most part this season we have been the same, disinterested performances from far too many high profile players. Something has to change now.
All week the final has been played down and overshadowed by you know what.I had a flat feeling coming into the game.None of the tension before the Stoke final and desperation to win.

It seemed to me the players were the same.After 10 minutes I was saying they hadn't turned up and they did nothing to change that all through the game.One or two moments but not really anything that made me feel we would win.

Wigan played well enough although hardly great and fully deserved to win and collectively the team and management were just a big let down.It happens but it should never happen like that in such an important game.
TGR said:
Same as you bud. Disappointed but for some reason not surprised
Collective failure today from the team and the management . This time we can't blame it on dodgy
Refereeing decisions or anything else. We just have to take this one on the chin?

Difficult to assess the referees decisions ........ he did book three or four of our players , which were probably justified .... yet he fails miserably to book a Wigan player who almost takes Tevez's head off with a dangerously high boot !

He might have awarded penalties to either side , but didn't ....

but i suppose it was that kind of day !

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