How are we all feeling then?

On a positive note, got to experience the Green Man and the Roundabout and a good pre-match atmosphere.

Then along came the game to spoil it all!

From a football perspective? Totally and utterly baffled. Felt like Southampton away - only this was a Cup Final.
Funnily enough I felt worse after we lost in Amsterdam, after much the same shite performance.

I don't think our players didn't try, we did, but too many players were off form, or not bothered enough.

For me though the club have had a very shit 24 hours, the PR has been pathetic, the manager rumours should have been quashed immediately, even if they needed to lie, someone should have hammered the rumours last night, they have let it undermine the most important game of the season.

Well done Wigan and Martinez, you fully deserved your win, and completely outwitted City.
Well an truly pissed off, effort was poor, we been lethargic last few games. Don't accept they are tired, its a cup final.
Can't accept bob an lads underwhelmed by lack of support from above, a convincing win would've really shut all an sundry up. Thought we, as fans, lacked the ability to raise them when needed.
Will now hope that, stability will happen, knee jerk reactions subside.
Owners come out an show some fighting spirit with words/action.

Off to sleep, 4hr drive home tomorrow. Nite all
Wigan totally deserved it. Apart from the first five minutes they controlled the game in the sense that when we had the ball we never looked like scoring but when they had the ball they did. Even when we had the lion's share of possession I always had that sinking feeling when we got near their goal that we would have no idea how / no belief to score. As soon as we lost the ball I felt sure that Wigan would break and cause us a scare at the other end. It's been like this for a season and a half ! I don't understand how we can play like we did for 60 minutes v. Chelsea and then churn out garbage like this, especially on such a big occasion.

Re the subject of the post : this is the worst I've felt as a City fan since I don't know when. I'm still fuming about the Mancini out / Pellegrini in rumour, or to be more precise the fact that it was reported on the eve of the cup final. If there's any truth in it why couldn't they have waited until AFTER the cup final ?
If we had played well and lost I think I would be pissed off even more.

Considering the completely abject and lethargic display we got, I expected the loss 5 mins into second half.
Sadly not as disappointed as I thought I would. Agree with most comments. Wigan better team; we will be back again. Had this happened two years ago against Stoke I'd have been devastated beyond belief. But we're City; we've won the Cup and League in the last two seasons which was beyond my hopes 5 years ago so I'll take it as it comes.

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