How are you getting to the Cup Final?

Driving down tomorrow. Staying in Harrow. Few beers night before. Into Wembley for 9:30am. Beers. Game. Celebrations. Home Sunday.

How people go there and back same day amazes me
I'm the same. Even after a win, the journey back straight after the game is a long slog, people are knackered and the atmosphere is usually a damp squib. Whereas staying over, you can go at your own pace , and bask in the celebrations. The only negative is the drive back the next day
Any mither on the tubes last season?
Dont think much, if any. We had a few rags on ours but they were just goons from tourist central. Bit of handbags at Wembley Park after the game which the cops were all over. There were a lot of police around Wembley last year. More than for any other game I’ve been to there. Presumably there will be a few BTP on the trains too.

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