How can people still be negative about mancini?

Prestwich_Blue said:
levets said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I'm getting fed up of wilful misinterpretation of my posts. Argue with me by all means but witless rubbish like this just pisses me off. The inability of some on here to comprehend a simple proposition baffles me. Would it be better if I did it in pictures or 'Janet & John' style?

Of course this season has been our best for many years, since the late 70's in fact (although the KK Champioship season wasn't bad). Do you think I can't see that? God knows I've watched enough shite over the years to realise that.

So let's try this:

Janet: Have your team done well this season John?
John: Yes Janet. We've won the FA Cup and will qualify for the Champions League.
Janet: Is that good?
John: Oh yes. We haven't won anything for a long time.
Janet: I see. Did you come top of the league as well?
John: No we didn't. United did.
Janet: Will you come top of the league next year?
John: I hope so but we need to get more points than we did this year?
Janet: How many points did you get this year?
John: We've got 65 at the moment but could get 6 more if we win the last two games.
Janet: Is that not enough then?
John: No. You need 80 or more to win the league usually.
Janet: So you need to get about 10 more points next year than you got this year?
John: Yes we do.

Does that make it clear what "vital improvement" means?

And I'm getting fed up of wobble heads like you herbert.... What a patronising twat you are. Why don't you just fucking pipe down now... no fucker is listening anymore.

Your negativity about the club goes back a long way... Why is that?
I see you got the point eventually. As I'm in a good mood after the last few days (sorry to disappoint you that I'm not depressed) I'll ignore the personal abuse. But there's one thing I won't ignore.

If buying shares and going to AGM's to question the board about where the money was going, instead of just moaning about it on here is being negative then I'll plead guilty.

If spending hours and hours analysing the financial statements of the club and explaining them to fans in articles is being negative then I'll plead guilty to that as well.

If getting together a group to do something about the mismanagement of the club under Mackintosh and the total disregard for the fans is being negative then guilty again.

If raising £2m to buy out Sky's 10% shareholding is being negative about the club then guilty as charged.

If working with other major shareholders to get their support for what we were trying to do is being negative then guilty as charged again.

If telling people that Thaksin was actually incurring more debt rather than putting money in and repaying debt is being negative then I'll take that one as well. Enough people accused me of it at the time.

If being part of a group that was getting ready to raise the funds to rescue the club from the administration it was heading into in the summer of 2008 is being negative then that's another to be taken into consideration.

I'll plead not guilty to being negative for pointing out that we need to get more points next season to win the league if you don't mind.

And if you can find the negativity in this article I wrote then please point it out to everyone.
No defence of credentials is required. One of the best posters on this message board especially where football finance is concerned. A difference of opinion re Mancini but it was up in the air. Maybe it still is, but we shall see
We have got 1 more point this season comparative to last season, with the possibility of 3 more at weekend. We are one of only a couple of teams to improve upon last year, everybody else nosedived.
I got a real sense of pride for our manager when we sang his name and he acknowledged it with what seemed genuine gratitude at the beginning of the lap of honour. We need this stability.

For those unhappy with the lack of attacking play, that's fair enough to want. But Mancini has built the foundations now, we've become solid, that takes time. Now the flair can and will come as and when we need it. You only need to look to Spuds or even Blackpool to see that playing this way isn't sustainable.
ST Coleridge said:
redmizzle said:
How can people still be negative about Mancini? I suspect it's an ego thing, they can't be seen to have been wrong on some internet forum.

This sums things up rather well.

This season-long debate has been 'Wrong man for the job' versus 'Give him time', and there's only one side to have been vindicated. I wish we could all be right, but hey - some of us appreciated that a manager in his first full season (plus 6/7 of the starting 11 in their first season in England) might make some mistakes along the way.

From the rather spiffy 'Mancini Out' thread...

Didsbury Dave:
"If Mancini is retained I'm going to think hard about renewing. I'll never desert the blues but it will kill my faith in the sheikh and khaldoons ability to make the right football decisions.
They retained hughes too long. If they allow this guy to derail the project any longer they prove their football naivity.But I don't believe they will. I have faith in The Sheikh's ability to see through this charlatan".

Britney Spears:
"Mancini is a charlatan. A fake. An overhyped moron with an overinflated ego who has been found out time and time and time again since he got here. He wouldn't get a fucking job managing Sunderland, let alone a club with serious ambitions in this league. It's been a nice break from Bluemoon for me and it will continue as long as that piece of shit manager is in charge of our beloved club...
Enjoy Wembley ticket has gone to someone who gives a shit. I don't.
Yeah yeah yeah. Damocles. It's been 12 months of me being told I'm being knee jerk. With respect - I can't stand the guy. Actively despise him. I truly believe he's a garbage manager. I'm sure you can patronize the fuck out of me with lots of long winded prose about his abilities. Won't change my opinion. You're backing a loser, and time will prove me right. Until then the floor is yours...."

"Now, can we start to see the light up top, get this fucker out and move on please, because if you don't see the light, we are going to win fuck all in my lifetime. PLEASE listen to me. PLEASE! I am lietrally begging you! :( "

All we ever asked was that you had a bit of patience, lads! Still, the important thing is that we're here now.
To be honest I have also been unsure about Mancini. I like the guy in terms of his image and how sincere he is.

the thing that has bugged me all season is the inability of the team (with all the quality we have) to boss games especially against weaker sides. Now surely that message has come from the manager and the coaching team.

The way we played in the semi (after 25mins), the final & even last night is what we have asked for.

Too long against Spurs last week it seemed like we were holding on.

thats my issue with the guy. I am absolutely thrilled with what we have achieved. Just glad our blip came earlier that Spurs & Arsenal.

I have no problem with him remaining as manager, but he needs to put the marker down in games early and look at dominating games.
Dear BlueMooners

Forgive the intrusion - a bit like going into someone's house and giving them advice on how to raise their kids or that their record (sic) collection lacks taste.

Personally I think the the role of the manager is sometimes overstated - not quite the science it is sometimes cracked up to be.

But I would say this about Sig Mancini. Stokies are virtually unanimous in the view that we were fortunate to get away with 1-0 on Saturday. For me, the defining factor was not that you created a lot of chances (that was always likely to happen). What neutralised us was the fact that you also largely outmuscled us. Hardly rocket science (even rocket science isn't rocket science these days, I gather) to ask your players to attack long throws and set pieces. And as I suggested before on this site, the bookies got it about right - that if we played you 5 times you would probably win 4.

Nevertheless it looks on Saturday like Sig Mancini got the tactics and leadership spot on.

I'll leave it at that. Now, where's my "impermeable"...?
the funny thing is, you see all the "mancini out" or "kolorov/dzeko/balotelli is wank" threads et al and you see them reach 30 pages then 100 pages etc and it makes you think "well shit, I guess our support doesn't really rate player/manager x"
But if you actually read the threads you'll find like 4 people on a continuous moan that they add to each weekend as part of their forum experience.
Then you laugh as you realize DD and co are probably just posting to wind people up, else are just fucking mongs, which makes me laugh even more
this forum really is the worst
blightee said:
the funny thing is, you see all the "mancini out" or "kolorov/dzeko/balotelli is wank" threads et al and you see them reach 30 pages then 100 pages etc and it makes you think "well shit, I guess our support doesn't really rate player/manager x"
But if you actually read the threads you'll find like 4 people on a continuous moan
that they add to each weekend as part of their forum experience.
Then you laugh as you realize DD and co are probably just posting to wind people up, else are just fucking mongs, which makes me laugh even more
this forum really is the worst

Can't argue too much with that.

Hopefully it will all stop soon though and we can all get along.

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