How can people still be negative about mancini?

jonesyxi said:
Berkovic_blue said:
jonesyxi said:
Because even though we may get third and we've won a trophey, some of us believe that most managers with our squad should be able to do the same and with more flair and entertainment. How many of us stood in the kippax watching Brian hortins men win 4-3 or get beat 5-1 and thought, fuck me what a game and didn't give a shit that we won or lost cis we are blue through and through. So as I now live in oz and can't get to a game, have we sacrificed entertainment for trophies? Why can't we have both. I appreciate what he has done for the club in attracting the bigger names, but finishing 3rd at best with the best squad in the league isn't that fantastic is it?

It's his first full season, how about givng him some time to develop the playing style.

As for not caring if we win 4-3 or lose 5-1, well you must've loved Hughes and are probably gutted we've finally won something

Another fucking idiotic comment, ask for an opinion and as long as it's the same as yours it ok.
I'm a city fan and remember when we were shit and didn't care, but all you seem happy about is a trophy. I'm not for or against mourinho but are you one of those anti due to his negative Footy or as long as he brings the silverware he's the best around.

If you're looking for 'fucking idiot comments' read back your initial post, it is absolute gash. If you prefer to lose 5-1 than win 1-0 you're an utter, utter tool!

And to even mention Brian Horton in the same sentence as Mancini shows you're desperately living off City's past failures.
blumoonrisen said:
Most successful manager we've had since Mercer.. Fact.

The couple of numpties who have been proved to be poor judges and are frantically trying to salvage their self styled reputations, should just be ignored.. it amazes me that folk still rise to it by responding..! its like feeding caviar to pigs..

The voice of the majority from the terraces is always the right one.
Don't agree with your last comment, but the rest is spot on.

At times Bluemoon resembled a lynch-mob after a defeat or even a draw and I hope now that Mancini has won a trophy for City that his authority amongst players and fans will have grown. A manager needs stability, and even though this season has been my best ever, next season expectations will rise again, and the club will still have its critics.
For me the team is about to finish where I believed they should have finished if I was asked at the start of the season. On top of that Mancini has also delivered a major piece of silverware and has the team playing like a team, finally. Can only give him credit because credit is now due. 3rd and a cup = an excellent season.
Pigeonho said:
For me the team is about to finish where I believed they should have finished if I was asked at the start of the season. On top of that Mancini has also delivered a major piece of silverware and has the team playing like a team, finally. Can only give him credit because credit is now due. 3rd and a cup = an excellent season.

Agreed totally. It's not been perfect, we've stumbled there in many ways but all things considered we are one game away from having a brilliant season and that is all that matters, not whether we played poorly a few weeks ago in a game 5 days before a Wembley appearance.
glen quagmire said:
I, just for the life of me can't understand, what reason certain posters still feel the need to cane bobby. I thought the general understanding was that we WERE all blues, wether crying in the stands under ball, or floating down wembley way under bobby?

The fella has delivered our first MAJOR trophy in 35 years, 3rd place in the world's hardest league, is in our hands, we have never looked more solid defensively and has proved that the big ego's in the dressing room are not bigger than the club.

What has this guy got to do to win people over? Win the prem, european cup, fa cup, cure cancer, crush the taliban, sort out the economy or maybe buy all our ST's next term?

Play attractive, attacking football as a first instinct? It can be done.
From a neutral perspective , it is absolutely ridiculous and farcical that some City fans still want Mancini out. I guess some simply do not like the man and cannot accept that he is one of the best managers in the league.

I see the points raised against Mancini are :

1)Overly defensive football at times : Mourninho is not a bastion of attacking carpet football by any stretch of the imagination , yet he is supposed to some kind of footballing messiah.

In any case , Mancini's defensive tactics are exaggerated to a huge extent in my opinion. Retaining the ball for long periods is not defensive , its how the rest of Europe plays.

2) Winning a trophy and qualifying for the CL is the bare minimum required of any manager working with such generous resources.

I counter that argument by using Mourinho(or any other Manager that has won major trophies recently , Fergusson , Ancelotti , Van Gaal,Guardiola etc included) has ALWAYS had mega resources to work with.

I simply don't see this mythical manager who would win every thing while playing Cryuffesque football on a shoestring budget. He doesn't exist.

To summarize , I don't think Mourninho , Guardiola , Fergusson or Ancelotti could have done any better.

It takes time to transform a club like City to genuine European heavyweights , doesn't happen overnight , certainly not without massive investment.

The comparisons to Chelsea are moot because Chelsea already were on the periphery when Abramovic took over. They regularly competed in European competitions and almost always finished in the top 5.
City's football can be negative but when we are passing the ball well I really enjoy watching us. And there seems to be much more to come. We're still not the finished article, but when we are I expect to see some great football.

There have been a few games this year where we've played some delightful football in spells but not got a result. Like at Everton recently. Once we can put it together consistently I think we'll make the sort of transition that Arsenal did 10 years ago.
levets said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
levets said:
I'm still not fully convinced Mancini can deliver that vital improvement

Upon what? I think what he has delivered is a monumental improvement on what was delivered for the 33 previous seasons.

I'm getting fed up of wilful misinterpretation of my posts. Argue with me by all means but witless rubbish like this just pisses me off. The inability of some on here to comprehend a simple proposition baffles me. Would it be better if I did it in pictures or 'Janet & John' style?

Of course this season has been our best for many years, since the late 70's in fact (although the KK Champioship season wasn't bad). Do you think I can't see that? God knows I've watched enough shite over the years to realise that.

So let's try this:

Janet: Have your team done well this season John?
John: Yes Janet. We've won the FA Cup and will qualify for the Champions League.
Janet: Is that good?
John: Oh yes. We haven't won anything for a long time.
Janet: I see. Did you come top of the league as well?
John: No we didn't. United did.
Janet: Will you come top of the league next year?
John: I hope so but we need to get more points than we did this year?
Janet: How many points did you get this year?
John: We've got 65 at the moment but could get 6 more if we win the last two games.
Janet: Is that not enough then?
John: No. You need 80 or more to win the league usually.
Janet: So you need to get about 10 more points next year than you got this year?
John: Yes we do.

Does that make it clear what "vital improvement" means?

And I'm getting fed up of wobble heads like you herbert.... What a patronising twat you are. Why don't you just fucking pipe down now... no fucker is listening anymore.

Your negativity about the club goes back a long way... Why is that?
I see you got the point eventually. As I'm in a good mood after the last few days (sorry to disappoint you that I'm not depressed) I'll ignore the personal abuse. But there's one thing I won't ignore.

If buying shares and going to AGM's to question the board about where the money was going, instead of just moaning about it on here is being negative then I'll plead guilty.

If spending hours and hours analysing the financial statements of the club and explaining them to fans in articles is being negative then I'll plead guilty to that as well.

If getting together a group to do something about the mismanagement of the club under Mackintosh and the total disregard for the fans is being negative then guilty again.

If raising £2m to buy out Sky's 10% shareholding is being negative about the club then guilty as charged.

If working with other major shareholders to get their support for what we were trying to do is being negative then guilty as charged again.

If telling people that Thaksin was actually incurring more debt rather than putting money in and repaying debt is being negative then I'll take that one as well. Enough people accused me of it at the time.

If being part of a group that was getting ready to raise the funds to rescue the club from the administration it was heading into in the summer of 2008 is being negative then that's another to be taken into consideration.

I'll plead not guilty to being negative for pointing out that we need to get more points next season to win the league if you don't mind.

And if you can find the negativity in this article I wrote then please point it out to everyone.
We will most probably finish just 9 points behind United and just 3 behind the runners up,if you look at the games that stand out where we dropped points-and i dont mean just to the top four then we have give a really good account of ourselves this season.

The style of play last night was a glimpse of whats to come,weve played some fantastic football this season and coupled with the team spirit that is becoming more evident as each week goes by then we should all be looking forward to next season.Yes at times we appear too defensive but our goals against record proves that we are not far away from our ultimate goal-The league title.

We ARE a fucking good side boys

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