How can people still be negative about mancini?

glen quagmire said:
I'd like to say well said, to all those who admitted they were wrong, i suppose those who refuse to believe, that Mancini is stronger in the football management department than them, can just go back to their crack pipe.

I would but you keep hogging it!! ;-)
he really does know it takes for us to win a big game, like his tactics against the rags at wembley were genius, spurs at home, defensivly we are top, and just as good going forward when we want/need to, everyone slates us for 'boring' football, look were its got us, you cant go into every game looking to win 5-0
For what it is worth I think Mancini has done a fine job this season. I don't particularly perceive our tactics as overly negative and I enjoy the way we play most of the time. I just think at times we need to play it better. How many goals should Silva have scored this season for instance?

et's put some things into perspective. No manager or player gets through a season without making a mistake and just as when we win it is not just the manager who is to be praised neither is it entirely his fault. So at times criticism is just as valid as praise. What doesn't help is when you overly praise or criticise.

At times the outers have goaded the inners and vice versa. This just causes views to become entrenched as people feel attacked and defend themselves and everything gets viewed through a mancini prism in which people only see incidents that support their entrenched view.

If we all just chilled out an stopped posting I heart mancini threads everytime we win a game and I hate mancini everytime we get beat then we might actually find a happy medium.
mrbelfry said:
For what it is worth I think Mancini has done a fine job this season. I don't particularly perceive our tactics as overly negative and I enjoy the way we play most of the time. I just think at times we need to play it better. How many goals should Silva have scored this season for instance?

et's put some things into perspective. No manager or player gets through a season without making a mistake and just as when we win it is not just the manager who is to be praised neither is it entirely his fault. So at times criticism is just as valid as praise. What doesn't help is when you overly praise or criticise.

At times the outers have goaded the inners and vice versa. This just causes views to become entrenched as people feel attacked and defend themselves and everything gets viewed through a mancini prism in which people only see incidents that support their entrenched view.

If we all just chilled out an stopped posting I heart mancini threads everytime we win a game and I hate mancini everytime we get beat then we might actually find a happy medium.
Silva should score more goals, but in the 2 games v Stoke he was particularly wasteful. Not sure why. Injury, confidence at missing easy early chance at Wembley.

Scoring from open play is still an issue but as much down to individual decision making and quality as it is down to tactics.
jonesyxi said:
Because even though we may get third and we've won a trophey, some of us believe that most managers with our squad should be able to do the same and with more flair and entertainment. How many of us stood in the kippax watching Brian hortins men win 4-3 or get beat 5-1 and thought, fuck me what a game and didn't give a shit that we won or lost cis we are blue through and through. So as I now live in oz and can't get to a game, have we sacrificed entertainment for trophies? Why can't we have both. I appreciate what he has done for the club in attracting the bigger names, but finishing 3rd at best with the best squad in the league isn't that fantastic is it?

Yeah i stood on the Kippax watching that clown Horton and his nieve tactics get us nowhere and i did give a shit getting beat by Barnet and Cardiff and 4-0 at Coventry and Palace..... i could go on. Many a time i left the ground saying Fuck me that was terrible but hey we only conceded 4 today. Possibly the worst manager to ever manage MCFC!! FACT

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