It is amazing how many people are still in denial about this decline. I was talking to a friend this week who said, with all seriousness, this country has a great standard of living. I live in Lancashire in an area with no NHS dental or GP service, virtually no buses, a pitiful train service, roads full of potholes, no police stations or police presence, street lights switched off to save money, lots of food banks, lots of coked up teenagers. I told him that my area was worse off than the areas of Eastern Europe I travelled in the 1980s which were behind the iron curtain. He wouldn't accept this reality. He lives in the South of England and exists in a parallel universe. I honestly believe this country is heading for bloodshed.
You can't maintain a situation where millions of people are marginalised and the political system has failed. We have a political system where the power lies in the hands of an unelected Prime Minister, an unelected Head of State, and a Parliament with 75 per cent unelected representatives (the House of Lords).