If you look at any thread on any site on the Tories or Brexit they are always dominated by Tory haters and Remainers by about a 10-1 majority. If that reflects the real world population then I am afraid we have all been conned,and the two separate votes were a fraud and instead we should have Remained & had a Corbin Government.
If that’s nonsense, then the only other explanation is that Remainers and Tory haters are more gobby and venomous than those that voted Tory and Brexit who, now after the event, cannot be arsed arguing and are happy to keep quiet as they got what they wanted.
If you want an example of how it worked in reality then Miss Gobby herself Angela Rayner who Labour in their wisdom put forward to front the Media Campaign during the last Election debates thought it was a good idea to talk over any Tory taking part in the debate.
Her interruptions were always met with rousing cheers from her supporters which gave her more encouragement to keep doing it but silence from everybody else in the audience who perhaps thought she was being a little bit uncouth.
With such popularity she must have thought how did it all go so wrong.