How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

One semi humurous Brexit benefit is that the ERG and the assorted ranks of right wing fruitcakes and cranks have left themselves with a shortage of exploitative labour and that has led to an increase in Union activity as Labour is now far more scarce than it was and now demands a premium pay packet. It must drive them nuts that the Labour they could exploit is now being entry into the country because of stop the boats policies. It is semi humourous that the far right and the ERG,fruitcakes, dingbats and racists are now at impasse. There only answer is to become more authoritarian whilst the neo-liberal wankathon sails down the river like a boat with a captain but no crew with rocks looming on the horizon.

It is quite ironic that the Pro Brexit Mick Lynch who was widely criticised for his Unions stance on Brexit by the liberal commentariat is now the one leading the fight back for the working class. Is it possible he was right all along.

In theory you are right, in practice we will see a talking out of the side of their mouth policy. Public and political statements denoucing immigration while adding more and more shortage professions to the list.

Already the care sector has begun heavily recruiting from Africa, immigration from Zimbabwe, Zambia and SA in particular has increased in this field. This will not advertised heavily by the government.

There is always a desperate group to exploit.
In theory you are right, in practice we will see a talking out of the side of their mouth policy. Public and political statements denoucing immigration while adding more and more shortage professions to the list.

Already the care sector has begun heavily recruiting from Africa, immigration from Zimbabwe, Zambia and SA in particular has increased in this field. This will not advertised heavily by the government.

There is always a desperate group to exploit.

Gonna really piss off those who rang James O'Brien in early 2016 to say they wanted Brexit because they were sick of the number of brown and black faces in Tesco
If Brexit led to increased labour costs then we can at least put that down in the positive column. "Labour costs" is one of those fun euphemisms. He means "wages". So he's complaining that wages have gone up.
Which they should be doing.
Johnson promised that would happen.
More evidence that brexit is destroying lives here while the EU prospers

BBC News - Is food inflation higher in Europe than in the UK?
It's certainly looking like Brexit has had the effect Remainers feared.

Fkin Brexit sheep. We're quite screwed.
PMQs, and only the SNP leader had the guts to mention the dreaded ‘B’ word.
In a discussion about the economy and why it’s in its current state, no-one could bring themselves to say it.
It‘s gone from sunlit uplands and untold riches to being completely disowned by all its proponents.
Last week it was brought up by Johnson fans as his crowning achievement.
Says it all. The greatest work of a lying, sleazy, corrupt lying narcissist who lied a lot.

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