How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

Always thought it bizarre, the idea of “keeping the pound”; as if it’s a dear family friend, or much loved relative. It’s a means to an end; a transactional object designed to do a job. It just happens to be called a quid.

If we changed the “euro” to “bargain” we’d have signed up to using it years ago. Every **** loves a bargain.
When you're abroad, and using a different currency, do you feel somehow lost or humiliated? I think not. You soon get used to it. The only downside is the cost of changing from one currency to another because the money changers take their cut. Go into the Euro and most of the money-changing costs vanish overnight. Good for business too, for the same reason.
When you're abroad, and using a different currency, do you feel somehow lost or humiliated? I think not. You soon get used to it. The only downside is the cost of changing from one currency to another because the money changers take their cut. Go into the Euro and most of the money-changing costs vanish overnight. Good for business too, for the same reason.
When the euro first started I think it was 63p, now it's about 85p. As we approach parity it should be a fairly painless thing to do.
We should have been in it from Day 1. Sadly, our foolish pride and British exceptionalism made that impossible. We should all be much richer now, and Europe as a whole would be better off too. But no, let's cut off our noses to spite our faces.

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