How do you feel about our success - Old Blues?

Wingofasparrow and Blaketheblue, really speaking you deserve a lot more credit than some of us old 'uns, to start supporting City in the 80s must have been murder.
Henry Hill said:
Wingofasparrow and Blaketheblue, really speaking you deserve a lot more credit than some of us old 'uns, to start supporting City in the 80s must have been murder.

hahaha... yeah, But to be fair I never really knew any different. I was brought up with stories of The holy trinity and Big Mal so i thought we were the dogs bollocks... but we just happened to lose a lot. I was just a kid then but the 90's were much worse. Going to a comprehensives in Failsworth and Moston when United were in their early stages of dominance was hell most of the kids was hell. The stick was unreal. Blues were looked upon as if we had a mental illness by the glory hunting rag youth.
Really gets on my nerves way everybody brings in the money angle when City are mentioned. A lot of teams since the beginning of football have been financially more powerful than others, its just common sense! Sunderland bought loads of scottish players in the 1800s in their 'Team of all talents', Arsenal were called 'The bank of England' team cos they spent so much! A financial advantage has always been there, so it must a different agenda when brought up about City.
I love it first game 75/76 2-1 loss at Ipswich aged 8 but the City fans that followed me and my mate thru the kids turnstyle complete with beards were great and i was hooked ! so since then all the pain of relegations etc makes this all worth while and ALL clubs wouldnt turn away the financial input we have had and ALL of them would buy the best players they could so bollocks to anyone who says different. And teams before have done it had success or failed so its nothing new !
Rant over Yes our success is Brilliant sorry if i got sidetracked ?
Reasonably old school Blue myself (since '74). Thoroughly enjoying the quality of football we produce, and the players we have in the squad etc. As stated previously, the money side of things doesnt worry me other than if the owners leave us in the lurch (which seems highly unlikely). Some of our support is letting us down (firework antics and general arrogance etc). Wonder if they'd have been so cocky when we were running the guantlet at OT , Leeds, Merseyside back in the bad old days when hooligans were in their prime? Doubt it. Just hope we can do it this season, as it is the only way to answer the ever lengthening queue of critics out there waiting for us to fail..........Keep the faith - mcfc.

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