How do you like your eggs?

Got to be really dark shelled eggs (Ruffords etc) for a dark yolk, whip up 3 eggs S&P dash of milk or cream, knob of butter in the pan on medium heat and cook slowly, constantly working the bottom of the pan, when they’re 80% done turn off the heat & whack a lid on top, finish off to your liking, top with chives or fresh salmon on a nice sourdough…the perfect scrambled eggs
There was a French chef called Jaques Pepin on TV in the 70's. I do my eggs based on a method which I think is fairly classic. Have a small frying pan with a close fitting lid (glass ideally). Put a spoonful of olive oil and a spoonful of butter in the pan. On a low to medium heat crack the eggs in and then put the lid on. cook for a couple of minutes then get some toast and use the lid to enable you to pour the oil/butter onto the toast then slide the eggs on. lovely.
I cannot poach an egg to save my fuckin life, which is a shame as they are my favourite
Do them in an egg poacher,I’ve one for the microwave drop of water in the poacher crack open egg stick it in microwave and whatever your fancy soft or hard adjust time to suit usually 30-40 secs for me come out fine for me ..
Blended up in smoothies so I can't taste them but still get some nutritional benefits. Or in an omelette with an awful lot of other ingredients mixed in for flavour and texture. Can't stand eggs generally. Just flavourless mush. Hate mash for the same reason. Never understood the hype. Obviously a very useful ingredient though.
Eggs are chickens gift to mankind.

scrambled with buttered toast
fried in a roll
mushroom omelette with fresh herbs
boiled with soldiers
egg fried rice
egg foo yung
french toast

love em all.
Now that i'm a domestic God i can do eggs any way you like.
Last week the breadknife asked for a 'boiled egg that was cold but a bit runny,'' to go with a ham salad. Ten minutes later and, voila, a perfectly done egg.
As a young man living in France i used to work with an old guy digging holes. Every morning at 7am we'd have a brekky of espresso, half a lager and boiled eggs.
I cannot poach an egg to save my fuckin life, which is a shame as they are my favourite
It's all in the quality of the eggs not in the technique.
Buy the freshest eggs you can get hold off, direct from a poultry farm / farm shop are best. The ones from supermarkets have been sitting around for weeks and the molecular structure has deteriorated to a point where poaching is difficult, if not impossible.
I’m not fussy except for they must be free range.

Poached is great on seeded batch bread, peppered, and with a drizzle of brown sauce.

Boiled is great with spicy salad, I have that twice a week for lunch.

Fried is my least favourite but I’ll still eat it all, best when put between two slices of Warburtons (with a few steak cut chips if it’s a fry-up for tea).

Omelettes, scrambled - yes, I’ll eat that too, but too much messing about for me.

If I’m feeling a bit lethargic, I find having eggs don’t half give me a perk up, plus my eggy farts keeps people away. Win-win.

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