How do you true blues feel about the enigmatic Mario Balotelli?

I always found it was the miserable bastards who's own lives are mundane that didn't take to him. In fact when I see the usernames of those slagging him off its often the same ones who have a downer on most subjects.
I'd take him before Dzeko even now after his career has nosedived.
If it's all the same to you I'll decide which players past or present I appreciate.

Go knock yourself out pal but stop fucking slagging the rest of us off
penguins live in the Antarctic................
You are correct and to save face im going to say he has taken a squadron of penguins with him......Seen on twitter Liverpool are willing to let him go for 7mil...........I think he would be worth it.
An absolute cretin who has been found out by too many people to list.

(Balotelli, not me).

Beloved by children, people who jump on the football/city bandwagon and man-childs everywhere but rated purely as an average player, who was above average in his youth, by anyone who is only interested in the football.

Compare the bullshit that his fanboys come out with about his minimal contributions at City to the rhetoric that is spouted about someone like Dzeko. Dzeko's contributions are so far in advance of Balotelli's that it is not in the same ballpark. Yet they are viewed with some sort of perspective, with people clear that he has made key contributions whilst possibly still underachieving at times.

Yet, because the children thought they could brighten up their own mundane lives by living vicariously through Balotelli's 'mad' antics (half of which were made up anyway) his very limited contributions, amid a sea of sub-mediocrity, are built up to legendary acts in their minds.

The bloke is a completely self-obsessed clown, leading to his current status in the game as a bog standard striker who isn't even prepared to do the basics in the game and therefore spends his time unable to even get on the bench for a bang average team. There are at least a couple of dozen City players of recent years that City fans should appreciate more for their contributions and efforts than this chancer.

Not everyone who remembers him fondly is some deluded fanboy who thinks he's a 'ledge'.

Pretty sanctimonious, bitter comment that mate.

I don't think you understand his character either, personally I just see him as a bit of a dysfunctional manchild, but one whose heart is in the right place and doesn't have any malice in his entire body.

He often brought petulance and tantrums, but he also brought defining moments (his MOTM performance against United in the FA Cup semi and again against Stoke in the final, his goals in the 6-1, his assist for the Aguero title winner). I personally think too many people bought into the narrative that the gutter press relentlessly pursued with him, and you sound like one of them mate, frankly.

The Dzeko contribution is a reasonable one. But the difference in sentiment is that Dzeko doesn't have that character to dull his mardiness, he's also shown a distance from the supporters that Balotelli hasn't, IMO. The difference between the two is that Balotelli never showed such a pointed disrespect to the supporters as Dzeko has done recently during the lap of honour for example. When Balotelli left he thanked us for our support, and described us as the best fans in the world, there was real gratitude there, he genuinely appreciated the support we gave him after coming from a very poisonous culture in Italy. Can the same be said of Dzeko? Only recently he was trying to deter De Bruyne from signing for us in an attempt to force the club's hand into selling him to Roma for an offer well below our valuation.

Balotelli divided opinion though, a lot of us took to him, and a lot of blues couldn't stand him. The people who took to him weren't all clueless fanboys, and the people who couldn't stand him weren't all bitter old fuckers from the moaning brigade.

No need for the false dichotomies.

There are lesser players than Dzeko in this side and previous ones who'll be remembered more fondly in years to come. The same goes with Tevez for example.

Human nature.

I think most blues remember him fondly. And in years to come I think the vast majority will remember him fondly, if your immediate emotional response to his name continues to be frustration, bile and bitterness then I pity you, frankly.
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He had the greatest song, ever! I miss singing it.

2011 FA Cup final and Blackburn away October'11 - great days and that song was everywhere!

"Oooaah Balotelli..."


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