How does the transfer window effect your mental state?

I discovered the joys of bluemoon recently. I had been having trouble sleeping for the last 3 years for one reason or another, but at least I have something to do now at a god awful time in the morning!!! So I take everything I read with a pinch of salt and still laugh at our ability to laugh at each other and not take ourselves too seriously ( with a few exceptions)
F5, F5, F5, F5........................................F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, 5F.............ARRRGGHHHHHHHHHH......Another day lost!
It drives me crackers, I'm far too impatient. I end up spending far too much time mooching on here hoping for news that we've signed someone.

The upside is, the wife gets that cheesed off with me she won't speak to me. Every cloud an' all that...
i dunno i must of checked the transfer forum every ten mins today,cant get anything done.its frustrating but good fun.has anyone else use the info on here and pretended to be in itk at work or school then looked stupid when it doesnt happen?maybe just me!

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