How far will the fall be before evasive action is taken?

3 trophies in 3 seasons is an indisputable fact but two questions.............

1. Will the owners consider this success for the money spent?
2. If Pep wasnt coming, would Pellegrini keep his job?

1. Yes ive no doubt about it. We have barely started as a club and this is a project for years to cme, not just the now.

2. No imo. His time is up but the club has had all its eggs in the Pep basket for the last 4 years. He was brought in to hold the fort, be a safe pair of hands and hopefully carry on the success Mancni started. He has done that but the second Pep committed was the moment he would walk and had it been last summer he would have gone then.
I agree with you being here until the end of the season and rightly so. However you can't just keep branding people "fucking kids" who are genuinely concerned about the trajectory of our league form and position. it will severely affect next years budgets, financial planning, transfer stratagies and target, in fact most aspects of the club.
I'm sure those in power at the club will also be extremely concerned at the moment - but like you I think it will be a case of just hope for the f#cking best now.

Its aimed at some of the infantile abusive rubbish being spouted by a few mate, not the majority who are worried by turgid performances and results right now.

He has done the job he was brought in to do. Steadied the ship, won 3 trophies and done it knowing he was gone the second Pep committed. I think the club will be delighted and come the summer, they will do their bit by giving Pep probably the biggest transfer budget in history and the next phase will begin.
3 trophies in 3 seasons.

Some of the shit being spouted on here is fucking laughable.

You would consider two league cups and one Premier League title a success? It's not shite being spouted, the manager has completely lost it and taken us backwards. A league cup win will not make up for that
You would consider two league cups and one Premier League title a success? It's not shite being spouted, the manager has completely lost it and taken us backwards. A league cup win will not make up for that

Yes i would. How many other sides have won what we have over the last 3 seasons?
What an awful fucking return for these last 3 years.
I'll be glad when Pep arrives in the summer as much as the next man but to say the above is just silly
With the amount we have spent, winning 2 league cups, a genuine reserve cup where basically NO 'big' side other than us plays a strong team; is a footballing illusion of success
The teams we have played in that cup are in upwards of 200Mill and hes won it twice, yes fair play, but dont use it as a realistic yardstick of progression under this utter fraud

Of course he 'won' the PL, after an abysmal collapse from liverpool..

FA cup he has been DIRE, being humiliated in each season in that competition

The poster above had a valid point, and you do to an extent.. but this whole 3 trophies in 3 years with the outlay from us and if you dig a little, this guys failed and its totally inexcusable that he is still here considering the most expensive squad in PL history, with the greatest facilities and player care in the world.. are about to be outgunned to fucking 4th place.. potentially by west ham!
Joined = 11th August 2014.
Posts= 35 (including the above).
If we lose = they post.
4th place is a toss-up.

Logarithms and committees.
Yes i would. How many other sides have won what we have over the last 3 seasons?

Who cares what other sides have done? When MP arrived he had the best squad in the league with most players at the peak of their powers. Between him and the signings we've made in the past few years we're now in a situation where the incoming manager is going to have a major job on his hands to get the team back to where we were three years ago.
This is funny we win a cup on Sunday and now we should just get rid of our manager. We're gonna be ok we have games in hand and a break coming up all will be ok have some faith.
Who cares what other sides have done? When MP arrived he had the best squad in the league with most players at the peak of their powers. Between him and the signings we've made in the past few years we're now in a situation where the incoming manager is going to have a major job on his hands to get the team back to where we were three years ago.

I care because you can only beat what youre up against and in 3 seasons, we have done that 3 times. Success by any measure.

As for the new manager having a big rebuild job on his hands, all part of the plan. Cant you see that the club has been all about the day Pep arrives for the last 3/4 years? Dont you think that it hasnt been planned for?
Three trophies is an awful fucking return? Steady on.

I never thought I'd see us win 1 trophy in my life time, so (objectively) I'm absolutely buzzing with the three in the last three years!

But. . . in the context of where we are now, the money spent and expectations, it's pretty paltry! This season and last season especially!

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