How many friends have you got ?


Well-Known Member
27 Aug 2008
sat in Suffolk killing threads
corky1970 said:
I'm talking proper mates. Not Facebook wankers

The mates you turn to,male or female , the ones you don't have to false laugh or feign interest with

Genuine mates who you love

3 I think. My g/f, a mate I have known since I was 5 but we hardly see each other now and my ex boss.

the last few years I have met a few really good people who have helped me through a lot. I suppose they could be called mates but we have not known each other that long. Really great people though.
Hard to say really.

My best friends are a brother and sister that I've known for 12 years and then there's a couple of brothers that I consider my actual brothers as our families grew up together.

I know Blue2112 as he's my cousin's best mate but I'm close to his family and fancy his missus.
Following the 6-1 hammering we gave to the rags I was hospitalised for 1 full month and off work for 6 months. Outside of my family I discovered I have few real friends at all but the few were really great to me. Those few friends were not amongst what I would have said were the best friends prior to me accident.

Those 6 months taught me a lot about some friends, especially the ones who avoided me for that period. Adversity also brings out the best in some people as I discovered.

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