How many friends have you got ?

None (if we don't count forums and suchlike, oh and I'm not a day walker either), 99.9% of 'mates' are over-rated, in fact I fucked my last 'mate' of 22 years off a couple of years or so ago ('best' as well and the only one I invited to my wedding).

Simple fact was, I decided to fuck anyone off who didn't contact me after 6 months which didn't involve me doing a favour for them on their house as they only did when they needed something doing for free, the above I gave 12 months, so there you go, and I couldn't give a fuck really, just shows I made the right decision as none of them have tried to contact me since lol.
Bluedancer said:
Found out who my real friends were when I went through my divorce, those who stayed with me and those who went with him, bastard that he was!! Got 6 true friends and countless fairweather ones!
Your ex isn't mcfc1894 is it?
If it is, he's got one or two choice things to say about you.
toby said:
andyhinch said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Just been through my mobile.

Real, die in a ditch for me friends, who've really been there for me in difficult times:

Not many people can say that fair play, if I've not known someone for about 40 years they don't count, just because they don't know me warts and all.

Errr have you got warts

I have a few good friends but I also have I childhood friend who I have known all my life who is my rock and I am hers
I only really count the ones I've known from childhood, I've known one of my best mates for 20 years went out for tea with him twice last week and he still doesn't count.
Dirty Harry said:
None (if we don't count forums and suchlike, oh and I'm not a day walker either), 99.9% of 'mates' are over-rated, in fact I fucked my last 'mate' of 22 years off a couple of years or so ago ('best' as well and the only one I invited to my wedding).

Simple fact was, I decided to fuck anyone off who didn't contact me after 6 months which didn't involve me doing a favour for them on their house as they only did when they needed something doing for free, the above I gave 12 months, so there you go, and I couldn't give a fuck really, just shows I made the right decision as none of them have tried to contact me since lol.

Maybe if you had a wash you might have some friends. Dirty Harry indeed.
Most of mine are within the family or on the fringes, brother, sisters bf, brothers girlfriends brother etc. Friends with no connection to the family whatsoever, probably 2 maybe 3. about a dozen other proper mates and then just a load of people i know. Quite a high number i reckon, seeing as i simply hate people.
Ovo said:
Dirty Harry said:
None (if we don't count forums and suchlike, oh and I'm not a day walker either), 99.9% of 'mates' are over-rated, in fact I fucked my last 'mate' of 22 years off a couple of years or so ago ('best' as well and the only one I invited to my wedding).

Simple fact was, I decided to fuck anyone off who didn't contact me after 6 months which didn't involve me doing a favour for them on their house as they only did when they needed something doing for free, the above I gave 12 months, so there you go, and I couldn't give a fuck really, just shows I made the right decision as none of them have tried to contact me since lol.

Maybe if you had a wash you might have some friends. Dirty Harry indeed.

I'm fastidiously clean I'll have you know ;-)
Honestly, I came to the realisation in the past couple of years or so, that I don't have many at all.

the people who I can count on the most are family and my missus. We have a very tight-nit family, at least my mother, my sister and I; and my girlfriend is, along with them, the finest person I've encountered.

My biggest problem is that I have a lot of difficulty opening up and actually talking and communicating with people. I find it incredibly difficult to talk through any problems I have (that's including with the above), and I think consequently people don't tend to see a softer side to me.

I've always been there to listen to my friends problems, even colleagues problems. for some reason at my last place of work, I seemed to (involuntarily) became the person that people came to with their personal stuff. I didn't mind it (though I certainly didn't like it), but I had a lot of people crying in my office, weird as that may sound.

I had a pretty rough spell about two months ago, and for the first time in my life I realised that I actually needed to speak to someone. It wasn't the biggest issue in the world, it wasn't the worst that I will go through, and many have many more problems; but at the time it felt awful. I looked through my phonebook, and realised that there was no one to call (came on here in the end).

I probably have two friends who I could actually say would be able to help me out, I guess my biggest problem is asking them two. I know they would, I know they'd help, but I have a problem asking I guess.

I used to have more, maybe five or six, some from uni, and some from where I used to live, and one who I have been great friends with since we were about 8.

unfortunately people move away, it becomes harder to stay in touch, and gradually that friendship erodes. The latter of the above moved to asia for 3 years and came back the complete opposite of what I remember.

That said, I changed as well. For a long time I was working in a horrible environment. I was like a worm festering in the belly of capitalism. Everything was targets, KPI's, bonuses, money, cocaine etc. Not that there is anything wrong with financial incentives and bonuses, but the environment at this office was toxic. People would fuck each other over, laud it over one another. I didn't realised how much I hated it, nor how much it had turned me into a complete arsehole.

I pushed a lot of people away with my actions, including nearly my girlfriend.

I hope to make up for it in the future.

I am however, greatful to have a large number of friends (not good friends) but people who I can call up and go for a drink with. But in life, I think one needs to have more than that.

too long, didn't read:

probably 2, but loads of "mates"

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