How many games before NDJ sees red?

Bobbins said:
Arsenal game for sure !!! You will have Arsenhole whinger bleeting in the press before the game, his usual crap to put pressure on the ref before a ball is kicked !!

Red against Arsenal would mean him missing the Derby, nothing sinister about that now is there ?
bellwhaft said:
maybe there's a case for 'resting' him for two or three weeks, until the hysteria dies down. Better than him getting sent off for nowt.

Can you imagine Talk Shite and alike if you did that !! They would think they were picking our team FFS !!!
Freestyler said:
IMO their hsn't been a game yet where he has come close to a red.

only the karate kick on alonso has come close.

he won't get sent off for us.
Exactly, despite him being a tough player, I've never been worried about him being sent off for us, cant remember a time when he has even been close to getting his marching orders for us, proves that what all the "experts" are saying about him is bollocks, Zabaleta, Richards and Barry worry me more when it comes to potential sending off situations.
Lomas has a lob on said:
Freestyler said:
IMO their hsn't been a game yet where he has come close to a red.

only the karate kick on alonso has come close.

he won't get sent off for us.
Exactly, despite him being a tough player, I've never been worried about him being sent off for us, cant remember a time when he has even been close to getting his marching orders for us, proves that what all the "experts" are saying about him is bollocks, Zabaleta, Richards and Barry worry me more when it comes to potential sending off situations.

absolutely, zabaleta worries me more than anyone.
Freestyler said:
Lomas has a lob on said:
Exactly, despite him being a tough player, I've never been worried about him being sent off for us, cant remember a time when he has even been close to getting his marching orders for us, proves that what all the "experts" are saying about him is bollocks, Zabaleta, Richards and Barry worry me more when it comes to potential sending off situations.

absolutely, zabaleta worries me more than anyone.

Yep. I think Nige is a bit more disciplined and can handle players who will target him.

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