How many games before NDJ sees red?

oakiecokie said:
jacko8684 said:
As the title says?
I think less than 5 games ......
and my money is on it not being worthy of a red.....

How longs a piece of string ??

if you measure one end to the other you'll soon find out .
Players live on their reputations, and while that can be a good thing at times, that's why a ref might hesitate to give Drogba a penalty, why Fergie and Wenger used to go on about their players not getting enough protection, though it's not supposed to, outside and other factors influence a refs call, even if they don't know they're doing it, at the end of the day they're only human and their decision can be and has been influenced by things that happen off the field or have happened in previous games.

Sadly NDJ will be living on this rep for a while. Nothing he can do but ride it out.
I went to the Chelsea game a couple of weeks back and there was a couple of challenges that Nige went absolutely steaming in to but luckily the rent boy player was too quick and jumped over him - good job as well. Nige is committed and I consider him a fair and honest player. The Alonso tackle was out of character for him. I hope that he doesn`t change his game one bit. The injury to the Newcastle player was unfortunate - Nige won the ball cleanly and it was his trailing leg which did the damage. No intent or malice just unlucky.
ask skirtel why nigel did not get a red, or was that tackle different, well the only difference one was face to face the other was done from the back?
jimharri said:
Freestyler said:
IMO their hsn't been a game yet where he has come close to a red.

only the karate kick on alonso has come close.

he won't get sent off for us.
To be fair, I wouldn't define that tackle as close; it was a nailed on red. I still can't understand how he didn't walk for that! But to answer the OP's question, it's almost inevitable given the media shitstorm since last sunday.
mancunial said:
ask skirtel why nigel did not get a red, or was that tackle different, well the only difference one was face to face the other was done from the back?
jimharri said:
To be fair, I wouldn't define that tackle as close; it was a nailed on red. I still can't understand how he didn't walk for that! But to answer the OP's question, it's almost inevitable given the media shitstorm since last sunday.
Agreed. I just thought that seeing as how the thread was about NDJ, that it was tackles that he committed that were relevant to the thread. Weird quoting by the way, above rather than below the post you're quoting.
First tackle he makes on a player against Blackpool, whether good or bad he will be off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Opposition players will be hounding the ref everytime he goes in hard.

I say Blackpool or Arsenal.
No matter how fast you are there is always someone faster (Wyatt Earp)
I am more afraid that he will get injured by somebody wanting his title of beeing
the best tackler !

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