How many games before NDJ sees red?

Freestyler said:
IMO their hsn't been a game yet where he has come close to a red.

only the karate kick on alonso has come close.

he won't get sent off for us.
To be fair, I wouldn't define that tackle as close; it was a nailed on red. I still can't understand how he didn't walk for that! But to answer the OP's question, it's almost inevitable given the media shitstorm since last sunday.
Foe the next 3 months he can never play how he normally does because he will be getting booked all over the place and my money is on him defo getting sent off v Arsenal
Hamann Pineapple said:
Bobbins said:
Arsenal game for sure !!! You will have Arsenhole whinger bleeting in the press before the game, his usual crap to put pressure on the ref before a ball is kicked !!

Red against Arsenal would mean him missing the Derby, nothing sinister about that now is there ?

This will happen - watch the suspensions & media onslaught leading up to the game with sub-prime utd
bellwhaft said:
maybe there's a case for 'resting' him for two or three weeks, until the hysteria dies down. Better than him getting sent off for nowt.

I think he should play, just be careful, if you don't play him that just creates more hype about the fact that you're not playing him. Let him play, tell him to be uneventful, then something else will undoubtedly happen over the course of the week and everyone will start talking about something else.
city could actually use this to their advantage, by keep drumming the message that nigel is a marked man, thus putting the referee under pressure to be fair? the 1st ref too give a bad decision will get a lot stick off city fans, we should use it,
mancunial said:
city could actually use this to their advantage, by keep drumming the message that nigel is a marked man, thus putting the referee under pressure to be fair? the 1st ref too give a bad decision will get a lot stick off city fans, we should use it,

The ref will bring out a comedy sized red card when he officiates a Man City game. It will be a complete joke
Freestyler said:
IMO their hsn't been a game yet where he has come close to a red.

only the karate kick on alonso has come close.

he won't get sent off for us.
Opposing players, and managers will try it on though. And the minute he goes into a 50/50 their will be a clamour from the opposition fans

I don't have so much faith in refs as you do.
Marvin said:
Freestyler said:
IMO their hsn't been a game yet where he has come close to a red.

only the karate kick on alonso has come close.

he won't get sent off for us.
Opposing players, and managers will try it on though. And the minute he goes into a 50/50 their will be a clamour from the opposition fans

I don't have so much faith in refs as you do.

I said this earlier players will realise they been tackled by de jong and fly through the air like a platoon extra

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