How many more people will now become City fans?

The demand is unreal atm the glory hunters are arriving in there droves and the way the tickets are distributed will only encourage more ( good for the club not so the long standing fans) the haaland factor will only see us grow more the longer we keep him. The only thing that is irritating me is that there will still be plenty of empty seats as tickets are being bought by touts and package companies that sell for ridiculous prices. Even Mr money man who just wants the glory is not gonna splash £300 to watch us play Luton on a cold Tuesday night but the proper hardened city fan who hasn't got a season ticket would have paid the £40-£60 the original ticket was going for. This needs addressing ASAP
On holiday in Kos at the moment. Seen more kids wearing City shirts at our complex than any other team. Everyone of them has Haaland on the back. He's the difference.

At a magic show the other night, dad asked his son 'who's the best team in the world', 'it's Manchester City, dad' replied the lad. 'No son it's Manchester United'

It's such a role reversal from when I was a kid.
Watching the game against Bayern in Japan now.

Probably 80% are wearing City shirts. Our global fanbase is huge!
Was sat in a sports bar in Spain when both city (against Fulham) and united (no idea who they were playing) games were on. About 30 watching the city game with half in city tops and about 5 lads watching united looking a bit sheepish. Very much a tourist bar but the crowd watching city were a mix of Scandanavians with Haaland tops, Koreans or Japanese and a few Brits (English & Scots). Amused me that city were on the big screen with united relegated to a small tv in the side bar. Irrespective of if they were all supporters or not they were only interested in watching city as the small group watching united I think were southerners from there accents. Loved it.
Keep seeing Brit tourists over here with their kids and many are wearing our magnificent shirt. One young chap with the black and red top on.
Keep seeing Brit tourists over here with their kids and many are wearing our magnificent shirt. One young chap with the black and red top on.
Going be a massive boom when these kids start to hit 16 - 22 and start wanting to attend more games on their own / with mates.

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