How many of you are atheists?

My Mum and Dad forced us to go to Sunday school and they still believe in God but aren't nutters like some of my Dad's side of the family. My wife is religous and her folks are mad on it too. I think it's a sickness at the end of the day.

I can't wrap my head around a magical man in the sky who created everything and is still creating everything when science is doing it all while it's expanding

The organised stuff of religion is like a prison full of rules
hilts said:
I am not talking about time and receiving messages before they are sent, i cant get my head around physical matter, something cannot have always have been there, things don't just appear
I'm willing to accept that some people, including you, cannot get out of their own experiences and accept that the universe doesn't behave the way you think it does or the way you want it to. The laws of physics are very strange and in many ways completely unintuitive. Quantum physics especially is completely at odds with the human experience. Trying to apply the concept of 'before' to the Big Bang isn't actually a scientific matter. Time was created with the Big Bang so trying to use human experience to apply time to a point where time didn't exist does not wash.

However, what you have written is self-contradicting. If everything had to have a beginning there would be nothing at all. EITHER something has ALWAYS existed OR it sprang into existence from nothing. There is no other alternative.
Pam said:
Just saw this priest on TV that looked very much like the ogre that used to preach to me (when I five years of age, FFS) that we were all going to burn in hell forever.

I am sick of religion and all its ignorance mongering twatteries. It is a source of great evil. And if the God of the testaments really did exist, he would be a hateful, sadistic, voyeuristic freak and I wouldn't want to meet him. Not ever.

Only this.

pam you are bang on the money.
Count me in! Bollocks used to control people.

After the history of the church, it is amazing ANYBODY thinks religion is anything but a bunch of paternalistic fairy tales!

That said, karma is a woman! :-)
corky1970 said:
Not had a religious thread for fucking ages

I'll watch with interest.

Can't remember the last one

Ooooo must have been at least 10/20..even 30 minutes ago
Godless ****
What I find strange is that there is evidence that early Homo sapiens understood the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the weather etc. were the important things. We would move with the animal herds, or towards the land where certain things grew at certain times of the year, or away from the harsh weather/towards more suitable weather, all so we could keep surviving. Then somewhere along the line, even with more experience and knowledge as a species, it became that worship of Gods or a God that was the important thing. People locked themselves inside sets of rules because it seemed they couldn't trust themselves to live life for themselves outside them.

Granted there may have been droughts, famines, murderers and rapists as common occurrences and that we may have thought, for a time, that we needed to live our lives a certain way or worship a certain deity to make these bad things stop, or someone came along before there were Police forces (not that they're any great help now!) or courts to scare people into acting a certain way or they would burn eternally in the after life/have a tranquil eternity in the afterlife.

But for me now we have come full circle and we understand, again, that the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the weather etc. are the important things (Aboriginal peoples of Austalasia have never swayed from that thought!) and through advanced knowledge and experience as a species we have learnt to farm and preserve ourselves without having to follow the herds or the weather (although we will have to move out of Northern Europe whenever the next big Ice Age comes, but that could be many thousands of years away!).

Worship can come in the form of family and friends, or in self improvement if you don't like your family that much; if nobody else is worth the effort in your life, worship yourself and make yourself the best you can be. Why worship something that a random weird cult around the Levant told us we should worship thousands of years ago when in all those thousands of years there has never been a single grain of evidence that worship of this "God" does our species any good at all? Surely family, friends and self - since they are apparent - are far more important than fearing the big hoodoo monster-man beyond the clouds who is supposedly judging us by every move we make?

Forget that shit. We have moved on as a species since those rules came about six thousand years or so ago.

Okay we may have learnt a lot of life experiences from religion in that time but you also learn a lot of that through living life yourself, and often a lot of it is learnt in childhood. When you say something to someone and it makes them upset, even at four years old, that experience teaches you as much as any religion does. Similarly when you punch your sibling in the face and it hurts them, you learn a hell of a lot from that. It's not nice seeing someone else upset or hurt and you learn how to live your life accordingly to not let those things happen. If - and this does happen a lot - there are people who do grow to enjoy seeing others upset or hurt, human experience has shown us that it rarely ends well for these people and we do have Police forces and courts of Law now to help us with these kind of people. And through the experience of seeing what these kind of people have done over the many thousand of years we see the best way to live life and sadism isn't that. We don't need a God or a set of rules within a religion to tell us that, we have our history as a species to show us evidence of what is right and wrong.

To answer Pam's question, yes, I am an Atheist!
Im still waiting for the lightning bolts to incinerate all those catholic priests who abused all those innocent kids for years..

Seems the Devil plies his trade unhindered every day on Earth. Famine,disasters,murders, wars,slavery, Racism,paedophiles,corruption etc etc.

What has God done lately??

The Devil exists...God doesnt.
dronefromsector7g said:
corky1970 said:
Not had a religious thread for fucking ages

I'll watch with interest.

Can't remember the last one

Ooooo must have been at least 10/20..even 30 minutes ago
Godless ****

^ Plural
Im amazed at the general closed mindedness of the cellarites on this, maybe you actually did believe Sibierski was good with his head

The Power...... (I refuse to use the term God) probably hates religion too.

Hare Krishna
yeah whatever !! said:
Im still waiting for the lightning bolts to incinerate all those catholic priests who abused all those innocent kids for years..

Seems the Devil plies his trade unhindered every day on Earth. Famine,disasters,murders, wars,slavery, Racism,paedophiles,corruption etc etc.

What has God done lately??

The Devil exists...God doesnt.
But the Devil could be God, so all those believers in the God of the bible could have backed the wrong horse and be looking forward to eternal life in hell fire and damnation!
It's all a load of bollocks really.

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