How Much Is Istanbul Costing You?

Train from manc 35 x 2
Flights from Heathrow 333 x 2
Train to Euston. 35 x 2
Euston to Heathrow 15 ? X 2
Taxi from Ist Airport 20?
Airbnb 109 2 nights
Call it 1000 with random beers along the way....that's without match tickets x 2 and getting back from London to Whalley Range !!!
Ffs. Now I've typed it out it's a serious wedge.
I visit Turkey every year and know the place very well. I expect to be able to fly to southern Turkey for just over £200, then an internal flight for £70.
I'm fortunate enough to have friends over there so accommodation is free. I've had a season ticket for most years since 78 but the problem is I can't afford cup schemes so I'm unlikely to get a ticket..!
I booked 5 nights Thu-Mon, flying from Edinburgh to Istanbull 4* BB City centre me & lad 18 has cost £1150
370€ for the flights and 130€ Hotel 2 nights so far. So 500€ and still sitting on my uncomfortable sofa.
I normally buy 2 pints of blackcurrant & tap water for £1 a pop on match nights but I may push out the boat to 3 cause its a special occasion. I buy 2 bags of crisps & 1 dry roasted peanuts as I feel guilty not putting much behind the bar. Should be £7 all in but I'll round it off to a tenner of we win. It's good it's not till the 10th June, I'll have time to save up.
£340 flights (via bodrum on the way and Riga on the way back, combo of Jet2, Turkish Airlines and Ryanair)

Hotel £95 for two nights

Plus ticket I guess
direct Flights from Manchester on Wednesday, four nights hotel in Taksim and direct flights Sunday. £1600 for my son and I ,no chance of ticket’s but just for the buzz..

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