How the Holocaust Began


Well-Known Member
12 Sep 2009
Such a sad watch, absolutely horrific, this should be part of the curriculum for all school children in Europe so these atrocities can't be forgotten.

Was very interesting the stories and science involved in the investigation.

Deeply worrying that lessons haven't been learned as we witness the ongoing atrocities in Ukraine

Available on BBC Iplayer
Years ago I took my elder son to see the Dachau concentration camp, near Munich.

So very sad. And moving. And almost incomprehensible.

The world never learns though. Since then there have been numerous atrocities in various parts of the globe, including Europe which you’d hope might have learned a lesson.

Been there too. A truly god forsaken place.
I used to watch a series called the World at War. Narrated by Lawrence Olivier(sic)
Episode 20 - Genocide. Is a harrowing watch. Unbelievable footage of the results of these camps and when they walked the German people through the camp once liberated, to show them exactly what had been going on.
I used to watch a series called the World at War. Narrated by Lawrence Olivier(sic)
Episode 20 - Genocide. Is a harrowing watch. Unbelievable footage of the results of these camps and when they walked the German people through the camp once liberated, to show them exactly what had been going on.
The World At War is the one that should be on the school curriculums. Made in the 70s, absolutely factual with first hand accounts from those who were there (all sides) and superbly narrated by Olivier. It will never be bettered.
BBC 2 has been showing a documentary series about India and the hostile relationship between the government and its Islamic minority.
There was a pogrom there a few years ago that included kids being force fed petrol then set on fire. The current Indian leader is accused of giving the security forces a free hand.
You don't actually need that many people to stage a genocide.
And in India there is open calls for it.

Early 20th century in Namibia the Germans carried out a deliberate policy of extermination against the Herero people, first by war and then by removing them to die in the desert.
Estimated 75% of the Herero were wiped out. The "success" of the operation encouraged the teaching of survival of the fittest eugenics theories in German universities in the 1920s where one of the eager students was a certain Josef Mengele, later of Auschwitz.
Namibia's extermination story is not well known (documentaries about it on youtube) but it was a kind of dress rehearsal for what came later in Europe. After eradicating a people they deemed inferior in Africa they were led to do the same to "lesser races" closer to home and deliberately drew on the experience of the first to inform the second; both merit the description "holocaust."

(The country wasn't called Namibia by the Germans in colonial times of course, with typical German imagination they named it German South-West Africa.)
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The frightening thing is that any society, if they have the mindset, can be brutal against people they regard as threatening.

It's an age old playbook that has been well documented throughout history. Foreigners are to blame for your misfortune, and they must be punished.

Experiments were carried out in the 1950's when normal people were asked to take part in an excercise that wanted an understanding of why the holocaust happened.

US citizens were placed in an environment where they were told from people wearing white coats in a clinical environment they were protecting the country, there was a communist wired up and ready to receive electric shocks, and every single person involved in that experiment delivered, under extreme pressure, what they thought was a fatal dose of power to their intended victim.

Afterwards, under questioning, they gave the response they were just obeying orders.

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