How the Holocaust Began

BBC 2 has been showing a documentary series about India and the hostile relationship between the government and its Islamic minority.
There was a pogrom there a few years ago that included kids being force fed petrol then set on fire. The current Indian leader is accused of giving the security forces a free hand.
You don't actually need that many people to stage a genocide.
And in India there is open calls for it.

British killed millions in India and other colonies. BBC needs to come out of its colonial mindset and stop the propaganda and show the atrocities committed by the Empire.
British killed millions in India and other colonies. BBC needs to come out of its colonial mindset and stop the propaganda and show the atrocities committed by the Empire.
Yes, but if they did the Daily Mail would claim that 'the woke' were 'changing our history.' Because there is only one version of history allowed. It must say that Britain and the British were always heroes, fighting for freedom and enlightenment.
I used to watch a series called the World at War. Narrated by Lawrence Olivier(sic)
Episode 20 - Genocide. Is a harrowing watch. Unbelievable footage of the results of these camps and when they walked the German people through the camp once liberated, to show them exactly what had been going on.
That was a magnificent series.

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he has brilliant WW2 history content
I recently watched Simon Schama's "History of England" on TV. During the late 12th century, under the Plantagenet Kings Henry 11, Richard 1 & John, there were several pogroms against the Jews, in fact in one contemporary written account, the word Holocaustum (Latin) is used.
If anyone is interested in a definitive account of the history and lead up to the holocaust, The Holocaust by Martin Gilbert is probably the most definitive. I was cared for as a kid by a survivor from from Auschwitz, she was a political prisoner. She saw a lot of unspeakable things. I’ve been there and studied this period.

In the UK we see some truly horrendous things associated with the holocaust, but some of the Polish resources that I used and videos are off the scale. What upset me more than the part I knew was the mass murder of a large section of the surviving jews after the war, when they went ‘home’ and tried to claim their homes back.

When I was interviewed for my course at University, one of the questions I was asked was “what book would you take to a desert island”. My response was “The Holocaust by Martin Gilbert, as it would remind me why I was better off there”. It caused quite a discussion.
I recently watched Simon Schama's "History of England" on TV. During the late 12th century, under the Plantagenet Kings Henry 11, Richard 1 & John, there were several pogroms against the Jews, in fact in one contemporary written account, the word Holocaustum (Latin) is used.
Sadly, it was quite common. There were several massacres of Jews when Simon de Monfort rose against Henry III. Then, before Edward I expelled the Jews, he executed about half the Jewish male population for alleged coining. Both his mother and his wife hated Jews with a passion. The expulsion was a sweetener to Parliament - IIRC Edward got a subsidy (taxation) in return.

It would be nice to think that we English were above such things, but we weren't. In fact, anti-Semitism was common in this country even in modern times. One of the golf clubs near me only exists because one of the other would not admit Jews.
why were jews persecuted even in medieval times , what have the jews done to get persecuted throughout the centuries

edit , just found this.

blood libel, also called blood accusation, the superstitious accusation that Jews ritually sacrifice Christian children at Passover to obtain blood for unleavened bread. It first emerged in medieval Europe in the 12th century and was revived sporadically in eastern and central Europe throughout the medieval and modern periods, often leading to the persecution of Jews.
Went to Aushwitz with my oldest lad last year whilst staying in Krakow. Mentally harrowing going around their and I was very relieved to finish the tour , incomprehensible to me the evil that men can do.

What made the tour even worse was one of the guys (never met before) on our private tour was doing lines of coke in one of the holding rooms down below which he’d flown in from the UK. Still can’t believe the level of disrespect I had just witnessed.
There's a lot of things about the Holocaust not widely known.
The fact that the vast majority of the victims were dead by the end of 1943. The fact that Rumania murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews themselves.
If you read books about it like Martin Gilbert's or David Cesarani's you realise it was even worse than you thought.
I don't think humanity will ever recover from it completely.
If anyone is interested in a definitive account of the history and lead up to the holocaust, The Holocaust by Martin Gilbert is probably the most definitive.
I'd argue that while Gilbert's book (which I have) is harrowing and a necessary read, it's not definitive. It's more of an account of the human side I'd say. David Cesarani's 'Final Solution' tells a much fuller story, bringing in the background, the political side, the increasing pressure on the German Jews and then the path, often unplanned and a result of events, to the mass exterminations.

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