How the Holocaust Began

I used to watch a series called the World at War. Narrated by Lawrence Olivier(sic)
Episode 20 - Genocide. Is a harrowing watch. Unbelievable footage of the results of these camps and when they walked the German people through the camp once liberated, to show them exactly what had been going on.
I still have the books (World at War)
BBC 2 has been showing a documentary series about India and the hostile relationship between the government and its Islamic minority.
There was a pogrom there a few years ago that included kids being force fed petrol then set on fire. The current Indian leader is accused of giving the security forces a free hand.
You don't actually need that many people to stage a genocide.
And in India there is open calls for it.

Danny Boyle made a passing reference to those riots in Slumdog Millionaire. Where they murdered his Mother early in the film.
I read a book on Auschwitz that described how, in the chambers, young girls would suddenly start their periods and pregnant woman would give birth to a dead child. The unspeakable horrors each and everyone suffered as their bodies reacted to the poison is beyond words or even comprehension - to encapsulate it in a single word “holocaust” doesn’t seem to do any form of justice to the experiences of millions of victims.
I've read a few journals relating to The Final Solution and tye documents retrieved relating to this made me cry, swell with anger and need to take a bloody long walk to cool down. The experiments and the inhumanity of it all, with such removed wording and insipid scientific detail really jarred me.

The only other text to do that was Philip Gourevitch's We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families. The parallels from all are echoed in Yemen, Xinjiang and the Ukraine... Yugoslavia before... and many others. Grim.

I read a book on Auschwitz that described how, in the chambers, young girls would suddenly start their periods and pregnant woman would give birth to a dead child. The unspeakable horrors each and everyone suffered as their bodies reacted to the poison is beyond words or even comprehension - to encapsulate it in a single word “holocaust” doesn’t seem to do any form of justice to the experiences of millions of victims.
There's a documentary filmed when they liberated Dachau and Belsen I believe called Holocaust Night will Fall.

We should all watch it.

My issue was that it's real life. We're so used to watching movies on TV it's difficult to see that those dead bodies are all real.

It's such a horrific period in history but so so interesting.

What blows my mind is there are people alive today who were alive when this happened. And it's happening in places like China still.
The World At War is the one that should be on the school curriculums. Made in the 70s, absolutely factual with first hand accounts from those who were there (all sides) and superbly narrated by Olivier. It will never be bettered.
As someone who abhors war and all its' horrors, but accepts that they will always occur, watching 'The World at War' series as a youth was difficult at times, but compelling.
I wonder if the series was translated into other languages?
The more people of other nations learn the truth and futility of it all the better.
The reality of war, of oppression and hatred, genocide etc. depicted would never rear its' head again in my world
I listen to the "The Rest is History" podcast and they are currently covering a 4 part series on the nazis...and they have discussed an interesting theory around how Darwinism and evolutionary theory influenced nazi thoughts and policy.

Heres an article about it:

If you like podcasts, "The Rest Is History" is really good btw
We haven’t learned we still abuse sections of society people seeking asylum are illegal in the UK and lies are told about them.
I read a book about the holocaust in junior school and couldn’t sleep for weeks the pictures are still ingrained in my mind they were shocking
We need to reinforce the types of things men and women are capable of maybe Junior school is to early but later on would be best.

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