How thick is Rio Ferdinand?

Chipmeister said:
The guy is a total prick, avoided a drug test and got away with. Spent many a night in the Circle club in town with him and his cronies with plenty of gear, my mate was a minder at the time. Trying to make an image for himself now but he is a total clown who could play football.

Did he shag the totty?
Malty said:
Chipmeister said:
The guy is a total prick, avoided a drug test and got away with. Spent many a night in the Circle club in town with him and his cronies with plenty of gear, my mate was a minder at the time. Trying to make an image for himself now but he is a total clown who could play football.

Did he shag the totty?
They always shag the totty, mate.
des hardi said:
moomba said:
The ban is justified IMO. If you don't respond to an FA charge then you should be punished pretty severely. I'd have him off any FA committees, panels etc as well, but that would have been the case before this.

QPR fans probably haven t stopped singing since!

I don't condone for one minute what John Terry said to Anton Ferdinand but Rio Camelly chops Ferdy bollocks was raging about it. To slag another man's mother off in the way he has {even though the term was new to me and the majority of the FA panel} he should expect nothing less than the punishment he got. He is a twat of the highest order (as is Redknapp).
He certainly didn't help the situation at the end of the semi Derby at Wembley, the guys a stirring arsewipe
Rio Ferdinand; "Is humour even allowed....I'm baffled! Ludicrous.... & I don't mean the rapper"

Well, obviously you didn't mean the rapper since he's called "Ludacris"!
I don't understand the point of Twitter?

To tell people what you are doing.. why? bring back the good ol' days of reading the papers and only hearing about football.

Most people on Twitter I know are egotistical twats bandwagon hopping because it's trendy. Bish please..

If I was a footballer, I'd be going EVERYTHING to avoid people knowing what I'm doing, not encouraging it. Twonks might as well contact the papers directly.

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