How to bulk up?

I'm the last person to give advice on the perfect bench as my shoulders will fact,when I think about it,my technique has been shite period.....i'm surprised I can still walk!
Been having a play around writing a workout plan. I know I should probably follow one that has already been tried and tested but I like to write my own a it is more fun!
Anyone like to critique it? (4 day full body - no pull ups or dips as can't do more than 1 or 2 but would add in at later date).....

Have you looked into any premade 4 day programmes? I'm not sure what your goal is but some that are recommended for both strength and aesthetics are PHUL and the 5/3/1 bodybuilding variant.
question, when doing chest press with a bar, should i be putting my upper back/shoulders back and have a slight arch in my back ?
Upper back (shoulders) and arse in contact with the bench at all times, apart from that it depends on your back, do you have any natural curvature in your lower spine?

Personally I try to keep my lower back flat to the bench and that's always worked for me, although nearly all my bench work is with dumbbells nowadays and not a bar.

Shoulders are subjective too, it's less about squeezing them together and more about finding a position where they feel strong and stable.
Try reading the 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferriss. Promises to get you stacked from just 1 hour a week working out, although I'm too lazy to do even that having bought the book!
Slight being the operative word - you see powerlifters doing this:


but all that achieves is limiting the range of motion, enabling them to lift heavier weights, if you're concentrating on your form, bum and shoulders should be in contact with the bench, like this:


note feet are flat on the floor, stabilising you. Also, squeeze the shoulder blades together, this apparently protects your shoulder joint, although I'm sure FI will be here shortly to tell us otherwise!

followed your advice mate, it made lifting so much easier and i went up in weights swell quite easily. Its amazing how much difference that makes.
Try reading the 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferriss. Promises to get you stacked from just 1 hour a week working out, although I'm too lazy to do even that having bought the book!

To quote Ronnie Coleman, "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights."
Too true that Ade, although it's a reflection on society in general (not a dig at Levy Lad at all). Too many want something but aren't willing to put the work in.

I have begun to see that my calves are shaping themselves into little inverted hearts now which is great because I've only been able to train them for a couple of months after I injured my achilles so even walking in anything but 1 pair of shoes was painful, I couldn't run or do calf raises at all.
Had a bit of a change of plan again!

Decided I want to give an upper/lower split a go for a while soon but got a slight problem with deadlifts. Google shoes this is a common problem for upper lower splits.
Will be doing 4 days: lower A, upper A, lower B, upper B
Could do:
- Squats on lower a and deads on lower B
- Heavy squats on lower a, higher rep squats on lower b and rack pulls on one of the upper days

Any opinions from the knowledgeable knew amongst you?
How to gain weight healthily?

My metabolism is such that whatever I eat I can't seem to put on weight. I'm skinny and I want to bulk up, but I want to do it the healthy way. I don't like the idea of supplements because they seem unnatural to me and I don't want to put any undue strain on my body. I'm in my early 30's by the way. Some stomach problems mean I would struggle to simply double my meal sizes.

Is there a foolproof healthy way to bulk up? Do I need to get myself down the gym to do this? Wouldn't know where to start!

Well folks, 3.5 years later and...

No supplements, shakes, exercise regimes or special eating plans whatsoever,

In Jan 2012 I was wondering whether City would ever win a title in my lifetime and struggling to get the weight up past 12 stone. People said I looked gaunt, thin etc...

I'm now 13 and a half stone and still getting slowly bigger. Still slim but getting to the stage where I'm thinking 'ok, soon I'll have to start a new 'how to lose weight' thread'...

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