How to bulk up?

BoyBlue_1985 said:
Just need some help for the resident experts on here

decided to start bulking a bit and found this program, is it any good in terms of will it have results if I eat well with it

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _challenge</a>

Right 8 weeks in to this, cant eat how they say you should as I just cant.
In terms of size I have put some on seriously, Muscle mass has increased quite dramatically and t shirts are tending to not fit anymore.

I would recommend this to anyone but be warned it is seriously boring and takes some drive to get to the gym 4 times a week to repeat it over and over

And 50 fucking pull ups at 10x5 with a minute rest in between is impossible ;)
BoyBlue_1985 said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Just need some help for the resident experts on here

decided to start bulking a bit and found this program, is it any good in terms of will it have results if I eat well with it

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _challenge</a>

Right 8 weeks in to this, cant eat how they say you should as I just cant.
In terms of size I have put some on seriously, Muscle mass has increased quite dramatically and t shirts are tending to not fit anymore.

I would recommend this to anyone but be warned it is seriously boring and takes some drive to get to the gym 4 times a week to repeat it over and over

And 50 fucking pull ups at 10x5 with a minute rest in between is impossible ;)

Although whole foods are best you could add in a couple of shakes with EVOO(extra virgin olive oil)it counts as good fats to, and maybe chuck some eggs into the shake aswell,good way to bump up your calorie intake if your struggling to get meals down you ,just a thought :-)
Hoping someone can help me here.
My eldest lad is 16 5foot 8 and 57kg and does boxing mon/wed/fri.What I was hoping was if someone could give me a workout program that will help him to bulk up.We have a bench, dumbells and a pull up bar.Three days tues/thurs/sun are the days he can workout.
Any help is appreciated.
Is it better to do a full body workout 3 days or split into different muscle groups?
supa-dapa-dan said:
Hoping someone can help me here.
My eldest lad is 16 5foot 8 and 57kg and does boxing mon/wed/fri.What I was hoping was if someone could give me a workout program that will help him to bulk up.We have a bench, dumbells and a pull up bar.Three days tues/thurs/sun are the days he can workout.
Any help is appreciated.
Is it better to do a full body workout 3 days or split into different muscle groups?

What weight dumbells do you have mate? Pull ups are great, but if the dumbells are light they won't be much use for bulking up. The main thing for you to consider if he's going to be boxing and lifting on alternate days is his diet, he's going to have to eat a lot. You've also got to factor in some rest. Intense boxing + a proper weight session 6 days a week is going to run you into the ground if you're not careful.
Dirty Harry said:
CTID101 said:
Cheers for that DH, will start that tomorrow.
Will do your friday workout and then start properly on monday.

At the moment when I go to the gym I do 2000m on the rower and 4/5km on the bike as a "warm up" then weights. Is that ok or should I do that at the end?

I have been sorting out my diet as well as much as I can, upping the veg/salad and rice/pasta with chicken or fish etc.
Cutting the soft drinks and crisps etc and barring that cidre I just had no alcohol except on Friday or Saturday.

Always good practice to warm up mate, 5-10 minutes to get the heart rate up a bit etc, best to leave any serious cardio work for after weights, that way you're fresh and focused for the lifting, you be able to lift more productively and less chance of injury.
Yeh, will go with the cycling I think and then do the rowing at the end. Cheers mate.
adrianr said:
supa-dapa-dan said:
Hoping someone can help me here.
My eldest lad is 16 5foot 8 and 57kg and does boxing mon/wed/fri.What I was hoping was if someone could give me a workout program that will help him to bulk up.We have a bench, dumbells and a pull up bar.Three days tues/thurs/sun are the days he can workout.
Any help is appreciated.
Is it better to do a full body workout 3 days or split into different muscle groups?

What weight dumbells do you have mate? Pull ups are great, but if the dumbells are light they won't be much use for bulking up. The main thing for you to consider if he's going to be boxing and lifting on alternate days is his diet, he's going to have to eat a lot. You've also got to factor in some rest. Intense boxing + a proper weight session 6 days a week is going to run you into the ground if you're not careful.
Thanks for the reply.
We have dumbells upto 20kg.From what age can you start to have proteins shakes? Is it better to use protein shakes or weight gain formula?
chris85mcfc said:
FantasyIreland said:
Samsdad said:
if you were to train 3 days a week you could do PPL(push ,pull.legs)

Which is perfect for anyone,and has been advised on numerous occasions in this thread.

Yes its hard work but there's a reason people who know what they are talking about keep promoting this routine.

Amen. If you can only train 3 days push pull legs is ideal.

Again haven't got much time to give a detailed reply but your current routine is all over the shop.

Have a look into push and pull workouts. There will be loads of info on the web. Don't worry too much about your cardio as you will get in better shape with the weights (again without going into too much detail and jargon).

I think the machines i am using are going to give me minimal results but i am stuck with them, probably wasted my time for the last six months really, i was hoping someone would give me a program on these that would help me see decent results, it was worth a try
hilts said:
chris85mcfc said:
FantasyIreland said:
Which is perfect for anyone,and has been advised on numerous occasions in this thread.

Yes its hard work but there's a reason people who know what they are talking about keep promoting this routine.

Amen. If you can only train 3 days push pull legs is ideal.

Again haven't got much time to give a detailed reply but your current routine is all over the shop.

Have a look into push and pull workouts. There will be loads of info on the web. Don't worry too much about your cardio as you will get in better shape with the weights (again without going into too much detail and jargon).

I think the machines i am using are going to give me minimal results but i am stuck with them, probably wasted my time for the last six months really, i was hoping someone would give me a program on these that would help me see decent results, it was worth a try

What type of gym are you training in,is it a leisure place like virgin or something ?
Samsdad said:
hilts said:
chris85mcfc said:
Amen. If you can only train 3 days push pull legs is ideal.

Again haven't got much time to give a detailed reply but your current routine is all over the shop.

Have a look into push and pull workouts. There will be loads of info on the web. Don't worry too much about your cardio as you will get in better shape with the weights (again without going into too much detail and jargon).

I think the machines i am using are going to give me minimal results but i am stuck with them, probably wasted my time for the last six months really, i was hoping someone would give me a program on these that would help me see decent results, it was worth a try

What type of gym are you training in,is it a leisure place like virgin or something ?

It's the one next to city's ground mate, have read loads last couple of weeks and it is all very complicated, running is easy you just get on the treadmill and run and next time run a bit faster or longer

today i decided to do 3 sets of 8 reps got on the chest press did 8 at 75kg 8 at 70kg and 8 at 65kg
did this on all the noddy machines put the effort in so the last reps were a struggle and i don't even feel like i have had a workout, no soreness no discomfort sod all

if i didnt work such shit shifts i would buy free weights and do it at home but i have no where to put them and could only do it at weekend which would be pointless

i spend 2 hours a day in the gym 3 days a week and feel i might as well not bother
Are there no freeweights at all? Not even a bench with an Olympic bar?

The difference between a chest press machine and a proper barbell (or dumbell) bench press is night and day. They do similar things in theory but just wait till you're holding a nice heavy bar above you getting ready to press it. Very different feeling.

Really it sounds like you could do with a mate who knows his way around the weights to train with, or a personal trainer just for a few sessions to get you acquainted and shed your fear of free weights. Otherwise you'll be stuck in this crap cycle it sounds like you've gotten yourself into, spending too much time in the gym, not doing enough of the right exercises, wasting your time, money and importantly motivation.

Regarding soreness of muscles you should never get this immediately after a workout. If you do its more likely that you've just hurt yourself. The DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness, clue being in the name) should present later. Usually 18/24 hours after a workout I can feel what muscle group I hit.

It sounds like this needs stripping back to basics and for you to start as if you've never set foot in a gym before?

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