How would we react?

Blue Blood CTID said:
I remember fans still supporting Barton after stubbing a cigar out on a kids eyeball. If anyone honestly suggests that calling somebody's colour of skin is worse than that, you need you're fucking heads testing (in my honest opinion).

These are the people that say we shouldn't get certain people into the club cause there not nice characters. Lol.
Mark - TheBlue said:
Blue Blood CTID said:
I remember fans still supporting Barton after stubbing a cigar out on a kids eyeball. If anyone honestly suggests that calling somebody's colour of skin is worse than that, you need you're fucking heads testing (in my honest opinion).

These are the people that say we shouldn't get certain people into the club cause there not nice characters. Lol.

Would hope they would never see the pitch in a City shirt again.

Massive caveat that I expect were a City player to be accused, I think the club would handle it intelligently and not make any stupid statements either way until it was proven. We're a professional outfit, probably the best run PL club at this point.

Wouldn't care who it was really, if anyone at the club were found to have made racist remarks I wouldn't want them on the team.
mcfc-mark said:
How would we react, as a club and a set of supporters, if one of our players were to be involved in an incident similar to Terry or Suarez?
Blinkered, one-eyed, biased and straw clutching in most cases. Fury and indignation that the media highlighted it. Extravagant claims of conspiracy.The rules of football forums would apply as always. Your own club=sinned against. Everyone else=sinners.

Just like Liverpool really.
Saying racist words in the heat of the moment is inexcusable but it doesn't make you a racist so as long the player mans up apologises and accepts the punishment but if they did what Suarez did basically saying it's al right because in Uruguay it's acceptable and the supporters defending him by becoming linguistic experts overnight then I would have no respect for them at all. But we don't have one player who I could ever see doing that.
City Raider said:
we would look for every excuse to back our player

This. I think people are seriously overestimating their ability to stay level headed. I won't lie, I'd back them to the hilt just because once the blue tinted specs are on every one of our players is a demi-god and can do no wrong. I'd be willing to bet the majority would be with me as well.

-- Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:44 pm --

Didsbury Dave said:
mcfc-mark said:
How would we react, as a club and a set of supporters, if one of our players were to be involved in an incident similar to Terry or Suarez?
Blinkered, one-eyed, biased and straw clutching in most cases. Fury and indignation that the media highlighted it. Extravagant claims of conspiracy.The rules of football forums would apply as always. Your own club=sinned against. Everyone else=sinners.

Just like Liverpool really.

This even more than the last comment I posted actually, maybe one shade down from liverpools levels though.
The majority would go down the same line a most Liverpool fans in that Evra has previous for this and he was lying. The FA banned him on Evra's evidence alone , etc. etc. Suarez' admission would be somehow dismissed. Let's face it, if it had happened to Aguero, we'd be looking for cultural differences to back the side of the argument that suits.

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