This links to our conversation the other day and the Piers comparison I made.
I really hope that you and yours are ok, but fluctuating so much is the same in both you and him.
We can’t control what is happening. Criticising the government or China raises your blood pressure, but nothing much else.
The news coming in is grim. No two ways about it. It’s going to be slightly worse for the next 10 days or so. It’s inevitable as we have a virus killing people at random, seemly pendant on the strength of your immune system and lungs.
You can’t change that. You’ve already said that you are isolating as much as you can and that is all you can do really. Maybe you could take multi vits, echinacea etc.
You can’t change what you can’t control. Make sure you control what you can to the best of your ability for you and your household.
It’s an interesting time and probably the time where we all see our character flaws as they are magnified. The people that need to dominate people at work will be struggling. The people that need to work are struggling. Extroverts are struggling. Relationships are struggling.
My coping number is 10.
My worry number is about 3.
We have to cope. I’m being as normal as possible with my wife and grandma. They don’t need my worry.
I still disagree with the Piers Morgan comparison. Mostly because I very much dislike him.
I am still incredibly shocked and annoyed at the Communist Party and believe that their cover up of their own citizens’ deaths is disgusting.
Morgan is purposefully outraged as that’s how he earns his money and attention. I’ve never manufactured it and never will, I’m too honest as a person to do so.
Some of my arguments on here can be exacerbated by alcohol but they’re really what I believe and my feelings towards the CCP is not driven by my worry, which I do have a lot of worry.
On the other hand my feelings towards these wet markets and Chinese custom, when it comes to these weird foods, when you compare to elsewhere, probably is born out of frustration and anger at what’s happened. It didn’t help on Friday a video of a dog skinned alive and purposefully left to suffer before they put it out of its misery, went viral.
I just keep telling myself I’m lucky to be able to carry on working and earning both 100% of my basic and I still have the chance to earn commission. So far only friends of mine, at a healthy age, have caught it and they are doing okay.
I think if I was furloughed things could possibly get worse as I’ll have little to take my mind off it.