No chance of that they'd have got leathered. They were kept in then either bussed out or to Piccadilly to get the train back under a huge police escort. I think the police stopped walking them back due to them constantly coming under attack. Any rogue ones kept their fucking heads down and prayed nobody sussed them.
These days we are all sixty plus, older, wiser and not as fit as we used to be. We are also well aware if we did decide to get stuck in that with everyone filming it we'd soon be nicked and banned. Take that incident on the tram, it's all over the internet. I'm sure eventually they'll get the culprit. None of us wants to be banned now we've got a great team winning trophies. In the old days being banned would have been a bonus lol. I have to admit the old hackles still rise when I see opposition fans taking liberties and it takes me repeating everything I've written here in my head to stop me getting stuck into them.