Hughes and his status, from an "insider"

As Didsbury Dave said, it's rumour and second hand so we really don't know do we? Many good managers have been seen as confrontational (Clough, Ferguson, Shankly) and Malcolm Allison was hardly Mr Tact & Diplomacy (Mercer rarely had dealings with the players unless it was to sort out a problem that Big Mal had caused).

We do know that Hughes took a while to improve Blackburn, O'Neill took a season to even start improving Villa (and he had money as well), Moyes took a couple to pull Everton round and Baconface took three seasons to start to turn the rags round. Eventually he will weed out the ones who don't respond to his style and replace them with ones that do.

We've started from a low base and have been unlucky with injuries - it's simply not possible to change things quickly. I can understand ADUG being nervous but Cook is presumably closer to the action than they are and is presumably putting himself on the line by defending Hughes so one can only presume that he believes in him.
abroad blue said:
We need to remember that Hughes has not had a great deal of time to exert his influence or playing style on the team, and has not had the chance to build the team the way he wants it. He got a late start due to the Sven/ Frank saga...

Sven had a late start. Hughes had a full preseason. Also Hughes has had enough time to make his influence felt. I know its used as an excuse for Hughes performance so far but seriously if a top flight manager cannot exert his influence after what 5 months in the job then I would suggest he look for a different line of work.
Bluemoon115 said:
You do realise that it was still only 3 places and 8 points more than we had that season?

And 5 points less than we achieved last season. Has Hughes improved us?
simon23 said:
if at the end of the season we are relegated or we are in the bottom section then fine....sack him......but lets get to february/early march at least.

You, Simon are actually mental. That has to be the worst comment I've ever read from a football fan. If at the end of the season we are relegated then fine sack you think??

My two penneth, fuck Cook and fuck Hughes!
simon23 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Another tubthumper surfaces


completely wrong.

i dont ever wear a silly hat or a flagaround my neck!!!!!

if a manger deserves criticism then fair enough....and MH does as he has made mistakes. But to sack him after so little timeand without giving him a chance to settle in and sort things out the way he wants to is ridiculous.

i cannt understand the lack of patience and what is really annoying is that there are clearly some fans who never wanted him to succeed in the first place and are therefore determined to undermine him.

if at the end of the season we are relegated or we are in the bottom section then fine....sack him......but lets get to february/early march at least.

I don't think we can contemplate that simon , if we are hovering or in the bottom three come February he has to go , there is too much at stake then.

Unfortunately for the club whatever way you look at it he has a few games to turnthings around and if he cannot he has to go its that simple.

Sometimes you only get 6 months and if you blow it then tough.

I would blame the players more so than anything else for Hughes getting the chop should it occur this season but if it has to happen it has to happen swiftly.

These next three games are the key for him its that simple.

If we finish in the lower half then we can revisit his tenure during the summer but relegation I am sorry the club cannot afford to go down and even if a new manager cannot do a Harry Redknapp we have to find someone who gives us the best chance of doing so come January be it mid or late January should we be in a scrap then.

SP did a great job when we were in strife when KK pulled the pin and hopefully should the situation repeat itself we find another one who can do the same.

Ince had 17 games and I do not think there are too many neutrals or supporters f the club that honestly believe it was the wrong thing for the club to do.
Didsbury Dave said:
Please don't shoot the messenger, I am not the sort to go around making up bullshit.

My source here is second hand but I thought this was worth passing on.

A bloke who works for me and is a mate plays a lot of golf and is a Blue. He played at the weekend with someone who who says is "in the know". He named him but I didn't know who he was, but my mate said he is normally fairly reliable and knows people on the inside.

Anyway, there's nothing major here but he said that after Elano was in the press saying he was happy, Hughes called the players together and told them in no uncertain terms that if they had anything to say to say it to him. Then he said to Elano "I'll see you in my office now" in front of everyone. Then he made him wait outside his office for over an hour.

More interestingly, he also said that ADUG are asking serious questions about Hughes, but Garry Cook is fending them off and is insisting they don't do anything rash and Hughes needs time. So it is Cook who is saving Hughes's skin at the moment.

As I said, nothing major but I thought it worth passing on.

LOL!...maybe this happened....a certain player, who has since grown his hair ,had been throwing cheapshots around and backstabbing persons in a managerial capacity, who got wind of this and confronted said rotten apple, who was told, if he had a gripe to say it to whom it mattered.
...The first team manager had an important call to field in his office, and when it was finished ,lacking in moral fibre player, had taken it upon himself to wander off, cue being rounded up and taken to task....some people really do need to grow a pair of bollocks.
Makes me laugh how many people think a haircut is relevant to anything in this day and age.

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