Hughes inner or Hughes outer doesn’t matter!!!

Pigeonho said:
Nothing apart from getting us into a semi final, with a good possibility of getting to that final? Nothing apart from that you mean, let alone 1 defeat all season, 3 points off pushing for a top 4 spot and beating Chelsea? Factually, Hughes has doen something no manager of ours has done for years, or perhaps in the extreme, a generation. I'd say its the Hughes outers who are OTT, not me.
Rammy's point is that you talk about Mark Hughes as though he has won the World Cup, the European Championships, the Champions League and the Premier League as a manager, such is your unerring belief that he is the right man for the City job. The fact is he hasn't done any of those things and, quite frankly, I'd sideline him for someone who has every day of the week.

We can't afford to fuck this opportunity up, yet we're entrusting the most important period in our modern history to a man who may or may not be good enough to take us to the very top. Why take that risk if we don't have to? We're past the point of being a testing ground for managers with a bit of potential.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again; every major project undertaken on behalf of the ruling family in Abu Dhabi has been headed up by the very best talent available, whatever the cost. These guys don't fuck about with unproven potential, and the OP is right to suggest that there is a very good chance that Hughes will be gone as soon as a leading world-class manager with a proven track record shows an interest in taking over.

I like Mark Hughes, he's a nice guy and says all the right things. I think he's also done a great job behind the scenes at City, kicking the club into a more professional state. But on the pitch he fails to inspire me and I don't believe he has the ability to take us to the very top, no matter how much time or money he is given.
Dubai Blue said:
Pigeonho said:
Nothing apart from getting us into a semi final, with a good possibility of getting to that final? Nothing apart from that you mean, let alone 1 defeat all season, 3 points off pushing for a top 4 spot and beating Chelsea? Factually, Hughes has doen something no manager of ours has done for years, or perhaps in the extreme, a generation. I'd say its the Hughes outers who are OTT, not me.
Rammy's point is that you talk about Mark Hughes as though he has won the World Cup, the European Championships, the Champions League and the Premier League as a manager, such is your unerring belief that he is the right man for the City job. The fact is he hasn't done any of those things and, quite frankly, I'd sideline him for someone who has every day of the week.

We can't afford to fuck this opportunity up, yet we're entrusting the most important period in our modern history to a man who may or may not be good enough to take us to the very top. Why take that risk if we don't have to? We're past the point of being a testing ground for managers with a bit of potential.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again; every major project undertaken on behalf of the ruling family in Abu Dhabi has been headed up by the very best talent available, whatever the cost. These guys don't fuck about with unproven potential, and the OP is right to suggest that there is a very good chance that Hughes will be gone as soon as a leading world-class manager with a proven track record shows an interest in taking over.

I like Mark Hughes, he's a nice guy and says all the right things. I think he's also done a great job behind the scenes at City, kicking the club into a more professional state. But on the pitch he fails to inspire me and I don't believe he has the ability to take us to the very top, no matter how much time or money he is given.

No I talk about Hughes as someone who has the potential to get us to win the honours available to us. Why? Because in his first season he got us to a quarterfinal of the second best European competition, with some good wins during that campaign. That squad was not his final squad. I know it never will be as he will always want to improve, but he had one full window to build his squad, the winter one, and I think he used that window in preparation for the summer one, when he went and bought the players for this campaign. Now he has his full squad, where are we? We are in the semi finals now, not the quarters. Ok, the competition might not have been as intense, but he can only play who is put infront of him. In a way my theory he is the right man is being proven correct, because he is taking us into our first semi final for years and if he goes onto win that competition, he will have achieved the first objective of this project, won a trophy. That removes a huge millstone from round the clubs neck, and who then can say he is not the right man for the job? He is doing what is expected, progression.
Pigeonho said:
No I talk about Hughes as someone who has the potential to get us to win the honours available to us. Why? Because in his first season he got us to a quarterfinal of the second best European competition, with some good wins during that campaign. That squad was not his final squad. I know it never will be as he will always want to improve, but he had one full window to build his squad, the winter one, and I think he used that window in preparation for the summer one, when he went and bought the players for this campaign. Now he has his full squad, where are we? We are in the semi finals now, not the quarters. Ok, the competition might not have been as intense, but he can only play who is put infront of him. In a way my theory he is the right man is being proven correct, because he is taking us into our first semi final for years and if he goes onto win that competition, he will have achieved the first objective of this project, won a trophy. That removes a huge millstone from round the clubs neck, and who then can say he is not the right man for the job? He is doing what is expected, progression.
Winning the Carling Cup (which is still three very difficult games away) would be absolutely fantastic for us supporters, but I doubt that alone would do much to whet the appetite of our paymasters in the desert. I admit I don't know this for certain (nobody does), but I suspect your idea of progress may differ somewhat from the idea of progress in Abu Dhabi Towers. They won't be basing progress on last season's finish, they'll be basing it on whatever they view as a reasonable return on hundreds of millions of pounds in investment. Winning the Carling Cup and finishing 7th, 8th or 9th this year would be progress in your eyes, but I would be gobsmacked if they started doing cartwheels in Abu Dhabi about it. In fact, I'm certain he'd be sacked.

It's shit or bust for Hughes this season. Top 4 or he's gone - that's the prize that they covet the most in Abu Dhabi because it means so much more exposure for their "brand".

I'm not looking to argue here, I'm genuinely interested what is driving this incredible amount of loyalty and devotion that a lot of our fans (at least on here) have towards Mark Hughes. What is it he's done that makes him so special in your eyes? For me personally, if I had a choice of Hughes, Hiddink or Mourinho right now, he'd be gone in a shot, regardless of him beating Scunthorpe, Crystal Palace, Fulham and Arsenal's youth team to get us into a semi-final. It's a complete no brainer to me as the other two are better candidates by whatever measure you choose to use. What is it that makes you feel differently?
Have had to not quote you Dubai Blue, as my laptop goes bonkers when a thread gets too long, (any ideas why it does that?)

Anyway, as i've said probably enough times to bore the tits off people, Hughes has only been able to beat the teams put in front of him to enable the club to reach those semi final legs. 'If' we win it, the records won't show we beat Arsenals kids, it will simply say 'Arsenal'. I think its unfair to use that 'kids' tag as it isn't Hughes fault Arsenal treated the competition as not high on their agenda, something they do because they can, by the way, whereas we can't as we need a trophy under our belts. Soon the FA Cup will begin, what if Hughes gets us to the semi's of that too, having won the CC in the process and us still milling around that 4th, 5th, 6th spot? If, cum May, we have won the CC, went out of the FA Cup in the semis and finished 6th, maybe 3 or 4 points behind 4th, I can't see how that can't be seen as success. It is then up to Hughes to make next season the one where we push for top 3 or 4, not just 4th. Course, a Europa League campaign would make that hard, but that is the level the owners want and so that is up to Hughes to deliver, I know that. I am confident we will finish 4th this season though as I expect Villa and Spurs to show their lack of depth and fall away. Liverpool will start winning again and so out of us, Villa, Spurs and the scousers, I expect it to be us, Liverpool and Villa chomping at the bit for that spot, with Villa falling away early April onwards. I have no way of proving this will happen, and neither do you about how Hughes is the wrong man, but say Mourinho gets sacked tomorrow and we appoint him, sacking Hughes in the process, would Hughes' sacking be justified? No, because he has us in a position in a competition we have not been in for decades. If we did that we would be the new Real Madrid for the way we treat our managers, and all that would then do is put increased pressure on a new manager, as he would know its everything or nothing, plus he would have to do that with players he doesn't particularly want, meaning he brings more players in who then need a season to gel. It is a vicious circle we don't want to go down as Hughes' squad is getting more settled with each day of training, in my view.
Krieng, that's a very good post.

I actually do think Mourinho would come here and I think he will come here at some point.

The United job would be a poisin chalace for him - no transfer budget, the worst United team in years and pressure to win the champions league from the off.

With us he'd have total control, a huge budget and an enormous salary. We'd double United's money and the rest.

I think the issue could be that he's available, we've had a good season (4th still looks a distinct possibility and a cup is not out of the question at all) and the owners are faced witha tought choice.
Hughes has his targets that he has set and the owners will hold him to it and both parties would not want it any other way.

Hughes knows how lucky he is that the ownership changed hands when it did , he was going to resign if Frank didn't fall on his own sword when he did because of the promises Cook had made to him which were flawed under Frank and Cook probably knew it or at least should have known it in advance.

It puts Hughes in a good position as far as Cook goes but its performances and results that matter and steady improvement on the table is what is required for Hughes and most likely Cook to stay in their current positions.

The owners will give him time to do that but should it not the change will be swift and painless except for Hughes and Cooks bank account longer term.

Hughes knows he has a wonderful opportunity to manage a club into history of the kind all us fans have longed for over 32 years and only he will blow it from now on in or take us to glory in years to come.
Rammy Blue said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
And when the world class manager says 'Yes', Hughes leaves quietly, the new man arrives, looks around the changing room, personally doesn't get on with the likes of Bellers, Ade, Tevez, they are sidelined, The Emerald Prince becomes disgruntled and puts in a transfer, followed by Micah, Ned, Weiss and Uncle Tom Cobbley - and we spend another two seasons waiting for 'the team to gel'. What a way to run an airworks, let alone an EPL football team!

what about the world class manager comes in, gets the best out of our current crop of players and takes them up a level and we win more often?

Playing devils advocate, what if he doesn't?
Very good debate. Have never hidden my opinion that Hughes is not the right man for the job.

People are always wary of change, it's the way of the world, the fear of the unknown.

My own perceptions of people who argue for Hughes to remain as our long-term manager, is mainly one of fear, the fear of going back to square one.

It will bring nothing but disappointment in the end. Nobody with City's best interests at heart wants to be in a position of simply saying 'I told you so'.

But history has continually shown that fear has ususally been the precursor, to the inevitable.

The fact is that Mark Hughes has had 18 months in a very privileged position, hanging his future on what might be, not what can be, finding convenient excuse after another, pleading mitigating circumstances.

The majority of City fans know nothing but failure, me includec, it has been woven into the very fabric of the club, a mindset so incredibly difficult to shift.

And certainly by a manager, no matter how eloquent, can point to anything he has done in his managerial career so far, able to consign it to history.

We are a club now who don't need to take punts and chances anymore, wet-nursing people in the hope they MIGHT come good.

Our owners should be commended for already showing a high degree of patience in a man who they did not appoint.

I believe their word when it comes to 'the project', but it is about attaining their dreams as quickly as possible, to enjoy the ride and actually derive some sort of enjoyment and prestige from this great association.

Which is why, should Mourinho come on to the market any time soon, they should do the deal.

He is the only man who can and is happy to, deflect the type of criticism and barbs now continually flying in our direction. Everything is for a reason, when it comes to making his players feel the best in the world.

I don't consider it an exaggeration to suggest Mourinho would love the job, making us the most dominant footballing force in English? European football for the next decade.

Change for the sake of change is never good, but we have this one great opportunity, let's no blow it by living up to some kind of self-congratualtory 'look at how right on we are'

It never did Chamberlain any good in the end.
Pigeonho said:
Rammy Blue said:
it was Damocles who suggested Hitzfeld.

in response to your post i admire your passion but just find your blind faith in Hughes a bit ott.

Hughes has shown NOTHING as yet (in 18 months) to suggest he is the man to take us forward onto the next level, every time we look like we are finding some form we folow up with an average or poor performance.

i want him to succeed as it will save upheaval, i just can't see it happening.

p.s. the "jose can stick his trophies up his arse" is laughable.

Nothing apart from getting us into a semi final, with a good possibility of getting to that final? Nothing apart from that you mean, let alone 1 defeat all season, 3 points off pushing for a top 4 spot and beating Chelsea? Factually, Hughes has doen something no manager of ours has done for years, or perhaps in the extreme, a generation. I'd say its the Hughes outers who are OTT, not me.

So we've got to a semi final when we've actually yet to play anyone of any substance. Drawing 8 of the last 9 premier league games and if fat frank had of scored from the spot it would of been 9 straight draws. Incidently in those draws we played Hull, Burnley, Bolton, Wigan an Birmingham. Are you saying that 5 points from those games is a good return?? if so then you've proved to be the one tickling mark bowens bell end cos for me that is shite!!!

We beat arsenal in the cup and followed it up by a great win against chelsea only to throw it away by IMO playing shite against bolton.

If he gets us in the champions league and wins the league cup then its and absolutely ground breakingly good season but anything other than that for me, with the players he has at the club will be nothing short of criminal.

I'll always back the manager whoever is in charge but for me MH and his cronies are not the one's to make us into this super power that our owners want us to be.
levets said:
BluePurgatory said:
So in a nut shell what you meant to say was that Mark Huges is here come what may until our owners decide others wise. (Thank fuck for that then)

And that really is the top & bottom of it.... So untill then, lets stop all the bickering and nastyness and get on supporting City in what has been the best season in many supporters lifetime.
this i for one agree in its intiraty

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