Hughes Official Statement [Merged]

GStar said:
moomba said:
Maybe unfair, it would depend when the targets changed.

My reading of the statement was that it was clearly agreed between management and board due to the increased spending. That to me would suggest start of the season.

third time someone has had to state this to you, but The board publically stated top6 this season - there is no 'choosing' who to believe.

The chairman said that the target changed as a result of the spending spree and that was agreed between board and management.

If you choose not to believe him, you have every right to do so.
Carl_Man_City said:
All the best Hughes you've handled yourself superbly. Complete lack of class from the board the way they went about this.

I do agree with the first sentence. In fact I really liked Mark Hughes as a bloke. He seemed a decent guy to me.

But he was not up to it as a manager and had to go. How would you prefer the board had handled it? Sacking someone is never painless and easy.

Unless you are saying he should not have been sacked, in which case I completely disagree with you.
Re: Hughes Statement

chazmcfc said:
cook, khaldoon you are both twats. handled disgustingly. i am ashamed to be a blue after the events of these past two days.
Tell you wernt around a few years ago Sacking Managers was a wekkly event. he had to go simple as that
Re: Hughes Statement

r.soleofsalford said:
chazmcfc said:
cook, khaldoon you are both twats. handled disgustingly. i am ashamed to be a blue after the events of these past two days.

if your that disgusted tear up your season ticket and never darken the door again

why would chaz tear up his rag season ticket?
Re: Hughes Statement

chazmcfc said:
sheephead23 said:
very intelligent contrbution. its a real shame i actually thought for once in a long time we had a board that weren't knee-jerkers and backstabbers. how long before twatini loses 3 or 4 games ? i will give him about 5 games before half of the members on this board want his head.we don't DESERVE success the mentality of the fans and unforuantely it seems of the board is just all wrong.

Yeah, but you, you idiot, are demanding his head before he's even picked a team!

At least the Hughes Outers gave him enough rope to hang himself.

Can you not do the same for "twatini"?
Mark Hughes said:
At the beginning of the season I sat down with the owners and it was agreed that a realistic target for the season would be sixth place in the Barclays Premier League, or in the region of 70 points.

"All of this was communicated to the players and we all knew where we stood.
What manager in their right mind would tell their staff that finishing sixth was the goal. Our team, on paper, at the start of the season was as good as anyone elses, Hughes shouldn't of mentioned this at all and demanded 110% from every single player every single game, instilling such confidence that players believed anything was possible.

That's like my boss saying to me on a Monday morning, "hey, don't worry about doing loads of work, just do a little and it will be okay".

You've got to create a winnining mentality and telling players who are used to winning trophies such as Adebayor, Tevez, Robinho, Toure that top 6 is fine gives the wrong impression. These players are used to winning near every game they play, you can lose 10 games and still finish top 6, we nearly did it with Robbie Fowler for christ sake.

Mark Hughes said:
Only recently we had terrific victories against both Arsenal and Chelsea
Spot on, Mark but at there's no point beating those teams if your inability to fire the team up and see us over the line against cannon fodder such as Bolton, Birmingham, Burnley etc lets us down. No Plan B at all.

Mark Hughes said:
I very much regret, however, that I will not now be able to enjoy the success that would undoubtedly have followed in the light of that investment.
Great bloke, honestly, got a lot of time for you but you don't demand the respect from your players needed to be successful. You could of been given another 200mil to spend but if you can't orgainise your players you'll win nothing.
Re: Hughes Statement

chazmcfc said:
cook, khaldoon you are both twats. handled disgustingly. i am ashamed to be a blue after the events of these past two days.

Could not agree more with this fella. Anyone with any amount of decency knows that the way this has been done is disgraceful and fcuking pathetic.

For what its worth he did not deserve the sack IMO but the way it was handled just shows yet again the Cook in particular is a clown and has no idea about bulding a club like Villa and Spurs have done!.
GStar said:
moomba said:
Maybe unfair, it would depend when the targets changed.

My reading of the statement was that it was clearly agreed between management and board due to the increased spending. That to me would suggest start of the season.

third time someone has had to state this to you, but The board publically stated top6 this season - there is no 'choosing' who to believe.

Right. I've had enough of this RIDICULOUS chat amongst many of our fans. So what if the original 'target' was top 6 earlier in the season. Results must have dictated a change somewhere in the season, especially after the bright beginning we had.

As is known(and mostly after concerning results) there have been, perhaps, an inordinate amount of 'meetings' and 'phone calls' between Hughes, Cook and Khaldoon. I would think that somewhere amongst those contacts the goalposts had been shifted and agreed upon. How/ why else would management and players be singing from different song sheets about finishing positions??

There is a lie being told somewhere. And if the players have recently bleated on about top four as well as Khaldoon echoing the sentiment, then the truth, no matter how unsavoury to some, must be that Hughes has used the original target as his safety cushion for the sympathy vote.

Isn't it logic?
Re: Hughes Statement

r.soleofsalford said:
chazmcfc said:
cook, khaldoon you are both twats. handled disgustingly. i am ashamed to be a blue after the events of these past two days.

if your that disgusted tear up your season ticket and never darken the door again

He'd have to be strong. Have you tried tearing those plastic cards?

Whilst I don't agree with it at all there is no easy way to sack someone. I just hope Hughes keeps his dignity and council now as I think he is a decent bloke and wouldn't want him to tarnish his reputation.

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